Driver stuff

What is Vsync? should it be enabled or disabled in the drivers? What is the "Pretender Limit"? Atm its on 3
Vsync locks the FPS to a multiple or a divident of your refresh rate.
That is, say that your refresh rate is 85, then your FPS will always be 85, or 85/2, or 85/3, or 85*2, 85*3, etc..
Prevents tearing, but at least in ET it leads to strange behaviour..

But as with anything, try and see if you like it!
oki whatever, ill just leave it as it is :D
thx dude
vsync = like maxfps, example: i play guildwars, if i choose vsync, i cannot pass the 61 fps
It doesn't lock the FPS. A single frame is always displayed to n/85 seconds (where n is an integer >= 1) with vsync enabled, but n can vary over time.

If FPS without vsync varies between 70 and 100 FPS (with 85 Hz refresh rate) then some frames will be displayed twice as long as others, which makes it really jerky, and actual FPS will average somewhere between 42.5 and 85.
True, my explanation was not quite accurate..
I got my driver license.
me too! Got it last Monday yeah :o
Age: 20 ( 19 August 1988 )

sebastien loeb
nuke please
dont run anyone over
Vsync: off, prerender: 0. Vsync does all kinds of weird things in ET and prerender causes input lag.
i cant set pretender on 0, it gives me an error message and sets it on 2. halp?
IIRC, RivaTuner wouldn't let you go under 2, but the driver settings (might need Coolbits enabled?) would. However, there's also a separate registry key for OGL prerender.
need tuning pages in yermany for a peugeot 306 :/
for a second i had hope for a real life journal but no...
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