CRT manufacturer

Since my CRT seems fucked up, Iam in need of a new one. Unfortunately I've no Idea which brand is good and Iam not interested in reading through billions of test so:

Whats the best manufacturer, with the best price/performance ratio.

Need a decent one, as cheap as possible, but still a good performance. (not over 80 €)

Thx in advance
any manufacturer with a flat panel and good hz
any manufacturer with a flat panel and good hz. it's not like you can buy them brand new or from stores anyway, just look what you can find and check the specs.
simens fujitsu x174
who is still selling them anyway
Some companies are giving them out for free as they are moving to TFT displays. And most of them are pretty good as well.
Any CRT with diamondtron/trinitron technology... mostly those are iiyama, sony and eizo and some samsungs.
eizo is not producing crt anymore :(
ye get a 2nd hand one, iiyama 514/512/510/454 are superior to any crt monitor tbh.
no one is :p
iiyama S704HT :o)
lol try to find at least something, nobody produces CRTs anymore :X
take my 19* tft for 70 with 1 year garanty
iiyama, but don't think u can get one anywhere

viewsonic is also fine
care junge
tft tbh
ask alexL
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