new mainbord + problem :]


today I have got my new mainboard ( ASUS P5Q ) + CPU ( E8500 ).
I installed all correctly power connections etc. but the pc doesnt start.

The ventilator works from the cpu + graka.

I think the problem is my memory I have 4 gb 533 mhz.

The Mainboard supports only 800 - 1600?!
So the memory is the problem or ?

Pls help me :)

Edit it works now made everythink new power connection etc :P
no? so what is the problem :S
Can't be 100% sure but yeah that would be the logical problem.

Can you borrow/buy some faster RAM to check?
I hope my friend got a faster ram. I'll chek it later with his ram :]. because he is working oloolooloo.
I hope it`s the ram :(
Take your RAM out and try to boot. You should get a warning beep.
no warning beep :(
maybe i got a broken cpu?
Try the faster RAM but board could be DOA :<
:( ok I will try another ram thx for your help! :]
u use vista?
'good' as in worth to buy CPU one of bests ? wrong reply :P but w/e ^^
It shouldnt be a problem, but better to test with a better ram..
it works now OMG!
so what did you do ?
I installed all new power etc. the cpu + ventilator. i made the same but dunno why it works now
Must have been bad connection :)

Well I am glad it works :D
Once I have enough cas I want an 8500, my poor e4400 is starting to struggle.
so, are they any good? i was plannig on buying them or something
dunno i`ll write back later ^^i make now benchmark and so on^^
the cpu is good but i got some problems with the mb, memory dunno why only 2 gb works :s cant use the other slots.
+ the motherboard has only 1 lan slot :(
if the ram wasnt working, pc speaker would beep like hell...
Not always. The beep denotes 'no RAM detectable' if the RAM speed is not sufficient for the board it will detect the RAM but will not be able to boot. There would likely be no warning beep in this instance :)
the probability of ram not working because of wrong speed is so fucikng small that almost impossible
Its nothing to do with the RAM not working, boards that dont support slower speed memory can quite easily and frequently fail to boot if they have lower spec RAM installed from the outset.
i still remember you man ! GTFO
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