The queen is here

Elizabeth II visited Slovenia today.

What are your thoughts on the royal family?

My thoughts: Lucky sperm. Born with the silver spoon up their ass. They spend millions of tax payer money for so called "official expense". How can someone who has no authority go on an official business? Their image? They are a royal family, yet they act like a bunch of spoiled hollywood brats. Except for the queen herself who shows her grace in hats and a dinner with 17 different silver forks and spoons. If they preserved some values that go along with the royal title it would be different story.
I agree with you on most parts. There is a but though.. Rather them than me. I would never want to be brought into this world as a member of a royal family imo. Care about the money etc, but they have a rather shit life if you ask me.

But as far as monarchy goes, my vote to cancel all monarchy's is "yes"
royal families are so pointless nowadays
same as with Bush, didn't and won't check..
People from countries that don't have monarchy and starts complaing about it, shall just keep their mouth shut.
Expressing thoughts isnt complaining. Ti fake bosanac. :)
I have never said that im a bosnian did i? Im a sandzaklija. But people like you probaly don't know what it is.
People like me?
arrogant ex-jugo's who thinks that they are better than the rest.

Thats pretty much all slovenians and a large amount of croatians.
you just described the whole european and american population when you mentioned people that think they are better than the rest

however you forgot to mention the serbs because I can't think of a nation from that area that is more filled with people who think they are better than other
Well thats your opinion. American's are but all europeans? don't think so.
all the europeans think that they are better than others, it's like that in every country, you can just take a look at cf and you can see it
I still don't agree with you. It all depends on which region you are talking about. Most of the western europe is. But if you look on countries like Ukraine, Poland actully all the ex-communist countires aren't like that. Of course they are always who destroys it for the others.
stop being so arrogant
Sorry to say it b1bu i have noticed you being arrogant too.
seems like you dont know that many slovenians. even tho i'm part bosnian i hate certain groups of immigrants, or rather their children, from bosnia and other ex balkan countries. reason? they have no morals about whatsoever. picking fights with random smaller groups in clubs. drunk driving. drugs. not only that they do other stuff simply to irritate people or to get attention. stuff like playing ex-yu songs loudly on their cell phones while on public transport vehicle, or when driving around in their 20y old BMW with windows down. talking loudly, screaming, jerking around in half serbocroatian half slovenian, altho they probably couldnt have a serious conversation using only serbocroatian.

even people back in bosnia and serbia pretty much hate them when they come over say for NY or some other party event, because they act like they're something more. they dont accept the culture from the country they are from and dont know anything about the country they came from. well maybe they know something from watching pink.

so you see its not about the hate towards the country but towards the immigrants who come over because they cant live a normal life in their own country, and the shit on our culture eventho its whats keeping them alive.
I never thought that ii should hear this from a slovenian. I must say that i totally agree with you. I hate the same kind of people here in Denmark.

I have worked with immigrants once in a period and something a lot of people don't understand is that when a guy comes to a whole new culture they need to find a place to fit in. The parents usully finds a place but their children starts hanging out with the wrong people at the wrong time instead of studying and trying to get a better future.

I know a lot of guys who have it the same way as we do but there still is something with our
thinking instead of starting to hate them, why not help them out? We in Denmark helped a lot of the ex-jugo's. But when we changed the government it all changed. For the first time in Denmark's history we are seeing massive shootings on the streets. And why is that may a lot of people ask? Its simply because no one took care of the children.
plz don't use serbocroatian as a description for the language, it was an artificial "language" called like that in times that are behind us and the language was enforced on us
Tko su Sanzadklije? (serious question)
kako neznas to?

Quote by wikipedia
Sandžak (Serbian: Санџак, Sandžak or Рашка, Raška; Bosnian: Sandžak; Albanian: Sanxhak or Sanxhaku; Turkish: Sancak) is a region lying along the border between Serbia and Montenegro. It derives its name from the Sanjak of Novi Pazar, a former Ottoman administrative district that existed until the Balkan Wars of 1912.

The region is referred to as either Novopazarski Sandžak (Sandžak of Novi Pazar), or simply Sandžak by all of the four main ethnic groups which live in the region (Bosniaks, Serbs, Montenegrins, and Muslims). Sometimes Serbs refer to it as the Raška Oblast (. Internationally the area was formerly known as the Sanjak of Novi Pazar meaning the Sanjak (district) of Novi Pazar.

It is said among bosnians that sandzaklije is good with money. They were some of the richest people in bosnia/serbia back then. When the war started they were the only ones who had weapons in Sarajevo. It is said that if it wasn't for them the muslims would have lost the war.

If you ever had been in Sarajevo you would have noticed that about 50 % of all the citizins have sandzaklijski blood in them.

But sandzak isn't what it was once. I was there in july and most of the people have moved to the big cities.
the cost of the royal family to the taxpayer is outweighed by the amount of money they generate in tourism
Never even thought of that. But if youre a part of the royal family you probably wouldnt want to think of yourself as a tourist attraction.
did her, np
i like the king
image: burger-king
debilno je. prevec policije kle po centru
I'm proud of our Denmark monarchy.

Our coming king is so cool, he's the kind you actually could send out to lead the army in war :)

In my opinion, our monarchs, generates more value to the Kingdom than they are given. Meaning that the PR value that they have is greater than what it costs to have them.
image: Joachim_og_Marie_Ca_332507d

What a beauty!
Foolish immigrant :P

That is Prince Joachim.

This is our Crown Prince of Denmark:
image: 9423535-e270beed5a9c440b1ced47c5ce91fae7
haha damn someone is proud of being a dane.

Did you take off for finland?
No, I cancelled it :-/

Going this weekend though. To Anonymous The Killer Bunnies 10 year anniversary!
Monarchy has no place in modern democracy.
royal family have MUCH more power than people realise still, they just don't exercise it.
In my opinion the discussion to become a republic or keep the monarchy is pretty foolish. The tradition and history of a country should be kept intact. If I look at our Queen Beatrix for example: she represents our country magnificently. She's the steady factor for Holland while (good and bad) prime-ministers come and go.
Maybe I could save a few tax euros without our Queen. But since I already pay lots of taxes for really idiotic things, it doesn't bother me at all to pay a few bucks for our Queen (and royal family).
you talk of lucky sperm whilst i would consider myself unlucky if born royally ;(
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