need help:((

My internet is being pretty gay now during the day it will be fine and ill get the regular ping. But then around 7 pm my ping always goes to like 150 and my internet goes to shit. I called my provider and they said everything seems to be fine. Any ideas?
when have the providers said that it's their fault, it's never their fault! :D
Sounds like people get home from work around that time and hog up all your internetz :/
:| VIRUS, idk maybe u have to change your country :S
sounds like your isp is messing up, dont believe them, high traffic in your city.
sounds like your isp is messing up, dont believe them, high traffic in your city.
7 pm is busy time when all ppl connect to internet... your internet provider doesn't have enough bandwith for all of u
any more people in your family that use internet at that time?
Blame your ISP!
is this U of A internet? if it's school, connection shouldn't be doing weird things :O
its traffic, i had same, i moved to other ISP and it works fine now
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