Far Cry 2

Anyone tried it yet?

40 characters long
its possible to dl it? link or sth :<
thought its not released yet
clone dvd came out a few days ago (didnt work for anyone from what i can tell), the razor1911 release came on filelist 45 min ago
Clone DVD is map editor only. Razor1911 is working afaik.
i have clone dvd version and im playing it already... :P
how did you got the crack?
warez-bb :)
Great site :D
Buy the damned game, it's only some 35euros shipped @ play.com.
When I'm home I will =[
No working crack for SP out yet afaik, only possible to play map editor...
Edit: Didn't see your comment, so the razor release works???
and the crack works to =]
fuck yeah dloading 2nite D: loved Far Cry 1 hope this is as good!
where can i find the razor version??;o
downloading the razor 1911 version now. almost finished, ill tell ya if it works....
im playing it already.. still on 1st mission

vista shhh :DDD i use vista on notebook also :<
mines fake vista XP vista theme :D:D
dl'ing now! complete at 3.30pm damn dont finish till 4 :P
how does that shit work? :D i downloaded grabit and it says unable to connect 119 socket error or smth :P
you need access to a usenet server that has binary newsgroups. Too long to explain how usenet works.

Just google it. tons of info on it.
i quite like it tbh. the story subplots look good, graphics, well, nothing special, but ok, singleplayers not too bad overall. just played the full first mission, now im off to collect more diamonds and assisnate that pesky chief of police....

btw , the intro bit in the jeep is a pain in the arse, and no way to cut it short grrrr.
It's very nice xD

Looks great (running very high @ >50fps)
No, but since i saw this journal i found some rs links, wont be long!
image: farcryfi8
I want your dling speed omg
Razor release has the same size as clonedvd?! what should i do now? play with clone-dvd or load the razor ? :(
edit: k, downloading again. rapidshare prem ftw
just use the crack on the clone dvd version
nvm ;D downloaded and installed the razor version allready! :D
but wtf: the game is just 3.15 gb big on my hdd oO
it's really really nice , played about 5 missions , too much driving though
thats so boring, driving -> shooting guards -> driving and so on^^
doesnt make fun :( played like 30mins and clicked ->QUIT
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