Coding program needed

I download one "exe" file. When i open with notepad it shows me this Maybe someone can tell me in what language is this program made so i can modify it. Or some multicoding program what can open it for modif
image: machinecode

1000 hous in GIMP

in before facepalm.jpg
image: facepalm

loewl, truly nolifer who made this
root@localhost:~# file programmike.txt
programmike.txt: MS-DOS executable, MZ for MS-DOS

I'm not getting why you renamed EXE to txt and hoped it will work that way, but the easy answer is that you''re not able to edit it. Unless you know sth about reverse engineering/assembler and stuff.
I dident renamed it to "txt" I still got "exe" My teacher told that maybe if you open with notepad you can find out in what language is this program made and you can edit it.
I hope it's wasn't a computer science teacher?:P

I mean, ye, it is doable (not that I'm able, but AFAIK it is possible;) ) to specify what compiler was used to create exe and therefore what language was used to create the file, but as long as you have exe file it gives you nothing at all, and anyway opening binary files in notepad is just ridicoulus tbh.
it's the machine code (or whatever its proper name is, you know what I mean)
if its .NET you can decompile it to MCIL
Share me download link :)
like you are able to do it..
I doubt MZ executable can be a .net application =D
thats a fair guess but .NET actually has the PE header beginning with MZ too ;)
okey, my fail then :D

EDIT: oh, I see, linux's file detected that it is MZ executable, but it isn't one prolly as there is also "This program cannot be run in DOS mode." line viewable.

IIRC file detects PE executable just fine, it has to do with the reformatting the file came through before upload ;)
binary in notepad > all!
It would be funny if somebody would be able to read assembler from ascii letters on the fly :DD
i don't know wether that would be incredibly cool or just really sad ;D
Well, first programmers were writing programs in pure binary, and what I heard on todays lecture (:DD) is that they were adressing the variables by hand, so when they have to edit a program, and add a line at the begging, everything was getting screwed up, as every single address have to be recalcuted (+1 in this case:D) then. That was pure skill in programming ! :D

Still the most impressive programmer ever is Ada Lovelace who had written a computer program before the electricity was invented :D
Still the most impressive programmer ever is Ada Lovelace who had written a computer program before the electricity was invented :D

That is what I thought when I heard that story ! :D

Charles Babbage was trying to create analytical machine, which he never finished ( he was trying to from circa 1830 to his death in 1871. The idea behind that was really similar to todays computer, the only problem is that it was mechanical, and all data was to be stored on punched cards moving all along the computer. He even planned memory for a processor and stuff, and later when they were creating the real computers, they based on his ideas. After rereading his projects recently it was said that his machine was planned great, but it probably wouldn't be able to run fueled by steam as he planned, as it would need more power to move everything at the same time. And Ada Lovelace had written a program for it before it was finished. It would be able to calculate Bernoulli numbers or sth like that, I don't know ^^
if you know so little that you have to ask this question, you wouldn't know what to do even if someone gave you the original source :X
I'm sure it's just a virus renamed to .txt so everybody curious will rename it to .exe and then execute!

OK, I don't think it is like that, but it would be extremely cool and unhaxpected :D
that would indeed be worth a lol !
thats x86 assembly, i.e. "machine code". Its not a programming language, its the intruction set your CPU chip interprets. You can no way modify it at your skill level, but if you wanna know how you need to load up the .exe in a dissasembler like IDA or olly.
Only way would be to disassemble it, and getting some serious assembly skills which I suppose, by how you ask this question is not the thing I'd urge you to start learning right now ;)

Your teacher could have been right if the program was written in an interpreted language, but this is a compiled file and is very hard to modify unless you're uberskilled.
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