American stupidy

I know its older than internet and stuff
but once again i watched it.. and i was astonished again..
do you think its fake or not?
havent seen that one before :DD
Why should it be fake? You will find stupid people in every country if you search long enough.
why? becouse when i talk to random homeless guy in our city part, who drink 10 liters of cheapest wine per day (for almost 7 years), he is more clever than them.. he even know who is lev nicolajevic tolstoj.. :P
Not because you're a drunk living on the street that you can't have brains. You try to defend your prejudice with another prejudice, nice.
wtf, who doesnt know who lev nicolajevic tolstoj is, wtf come on.
well if you even dont know how many sides have triangle :]
Why would it be fake? If someone would go out in Krakow the result would be the same after a clever-cut.
look at my reply a little upper :p
If you dont get it what i am saying then you dont have to.
i get it.. what i am tring to say is that yes, in every country there are stupid people.. but i compared rly stupid man from czech with really stupid people from america(again if its not fake).. and the compare sayed that even people with biggest retardation in czech are smarter than average american. :P
i just can believe its truth
First of all, usually homeless people arent equal with stupid people.
Secondly those interviews are cut ofc so I am sure It would be possible to make the same interviews in your country, in everywhere in the world.

Plus I know Krakow is in Poland but thought you are the polish guy.
well actually i am not polish and again, if you drink 10 liters of cheapest alcohol for seven years your brain is rly fucked up.. i know what you are talking about but EVERYONE knows that there was two world wars, especialy a man who lived when they were..
older then old!
heil america, the most progressive scoiety in the world, why dont those Iraqis understand that they must be like us?
stupidy lol

A girl in my psychology class once asked if jupiter was bigger than America D:
people in America are that fat that this could actually be true! ;D
Jupiter must be really small.. couldnt find on google earth..
shows how little people knows about the jew-arabic conflict :o
older than internet and stuff
not fake though, there are millions of ppl out there who don't know this stuff. ofc they only used these examples and let the other examples out though
In every country they are stupid people but americans are the most stupid.
I remember in the american TV a map of France totally wrong.
yep :] there was some really strange map of czech too

there was Iraq, river elbe and then czech republic with totaly different shape :X :D
omg no wonder that they are the most affected by terrorism country
arent u the guy buying the GTX280? what gfx u have/had CURRENTLY? because i think buying it ATM is a complete waste :P
ye that's me ... buy BFG 260 gtx OCX MAXCORE .much cheaper than 280 gtx ,similar performance.
Im waiting for more stock at shops and im buying it . At the moment I've got 8600gts.
waste, waste, wait at least 2 months and u got it 2x cheaper (plus i see no reason to buy it, u can get every game on max fps, maybe crysis, but why the fuck u need so high fps for a single player game...) what CPU btw ?
amd 6000 + 3.0 ghz. I just wanted to buy very quick card for reasonable money,which
260 gtx happens to be . I want to run Farcry2 and GTA4 on full details or as best as possible.

I know that cards are getting cheaper every month but some limited editions like the one I want will eventually run out of stock.

My present card is doing well in COD4 but Crysis is struggling to much .
240 sterling pounds for highly overclocked gtx 260 ..almost as quick as 100 pounds more gtx280 of the quickest cards.

I would wait If I knew that BFG would continue on producing these overclocked versions.
Im afraid that produced amount is limited.
I would kill that ignorant old fatass with my hands, its so irritating :@

1:10, 1:18 @ link IT MAKES ME FUCKING MAD
There are stupid people in every country, and most of the time they are also very easy to find :)
what is KFC...

what state does KFC come from?

i dont know, i really dont know...

uh, u know what it stands for right?

yeah, kentucky fried chicken right?
well if you go out in your city, find some people and put every wrong answer to a video, you'll get the same result
nice stealing my vid
not urs.or r u in it?:o ;p
no i mean i posted it on cf on the american cb ladder forum but it got deleted
ye ye ;p i understand
How many different coulors are found on a four coulored piece of paper?

I don't know, :D!
that's difficult like 2+2 ; D
Let's see..
You saw a video with bunch of freshly-out-of-basement people from America and you didn't saw any video from any other country with such people (cause no one cares, just some people like you, desperately trying to find someone dumber than yourself) = they're dumber than everyone else.
Flawless logic
Nice going, retard.
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