Off to z3h Club!

G'd evening Crossfire community!

It's time for me and my m8s to get going tonight! First i'm heading to FinlandikOn-'s place, talk a bit bullshit, visit the local liquor store Alko and then catch the bus at 21.05 after which our company will be reinforced by our fellow companions FinlandJRaR, FinlandJääräsepi aka sepir0th, FinlandHankku, FinlandMoff and FinlandjäMä.

We'll be getting off the bus round 21.50, heading straight to Oulu's most magnificent bar, the famous FinlandONNELA. There's sort of a happy-hour tonight as EVERY drink's off 50% until the midnight.

Have a great evening, enjoy your wednesday!
share your plans for tonight!

image: Motivator_Parties
hf @ 18:37
happy fragging
fuck fuck have fun!!: df,g
image: pyzampartyhard
delete that shit, shes scaring the shit off me
at first the guy reminded me of drago
its butchji
few friends coming over, we hit the bong. drinking a bit till prolly 8-9 - going to a birthday party, depends how its like, im either going to get absolutely wasted or alternatively escape from the party with nice girl and spent rest of the night with her!
why not get absolutely wasted before escaping with the girl(s)?
Always look on the bright side :D
need to save money / go to school tomorrow

so if the party aint gonna be anything special, I'll save money and get to school somewhat early - atleast not having a hangover.
oh having school somewhat sucks :d
but anyways have a great night i'll be off now
yeah have fun playing super mario 3 or whatever that was!
and what about girls ? i read alchool, mates but not girls..are u all gays ?
I'm going to octoberfest(the german students are arranging) together with a very hawt german student girl <o/
octoberfest.... :<
going to ade tommorow till sunday party everyday :!
That's the first thought I had as well!
gittin wasted tomorrow
minkä ihmeen takia täälä ilmotat meneväs clubille?
so that i could tell you knowing YOU HAVE TO WAIT 2 YEARS YOU FUCKIN MINOR :DDDD
so sad really :< alcohol is the answer to everything
4 girls from my uni asked me to go out with them at some party because they dont know the city :D at least 2 of them are hot :D go out in 1 hour ;)) have a nice party too
Not usual Wednesday, I stay at home. School off (and no Martini), so no party...
man :D
was playing mario cart with nintendo wii @ friend's place, now home playing dota + wanking
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