vga screen

ello crossfire!

i have a little problem i was hoping you could help me out with

I have an lcd tv connected to my laptop (vga) and it has been working fine so far on 1280x800. Each time I come back frm school i plug in the vga cable and the screen loads and the laptop stays black (i couldnt manage to get them both to work at the same time from the start but that wasn't rly a problem).

This afternoon i accidentally changed my resolution and then the lcd tv screen went black. i had to plug out the cable and restart my laptop to get screen on my laptop again but now each time i plug in the cable the laptop goes black and i can see the tv gets a signal but there's no screen. i cant rly change any settings either as with the vga cable in i have no screen at all and with the vga cable out i can only apply settings for a single scren.
i am pretty sure the screen isnt broken or anything i just dont know how to get around this problem :P

thanks in advance x

i have a nvidia geforce 9300m video card and an LG lcd tv/monitor screen if that would help :P
normaly on laptopts there is a button to switch screens "ln+ something"

look in your manual if there is such a button...
there is a "Fn" button which shows a pic of a monitor/lcd which i figure is the button u mean i tried that but i still didnt get a view on my laptop :O(
hmm geen id dan ... als je op geen van beide beeld hebt is dat lastig... heb je soms geen gewoon lcd of crt sherm(van een gewone pc) da je er ff kan aan hangen?

sorry for dutch
ik heb dus alleen geen beeld als ik de vga kabel erin heb he... als ik die er niet in heb doet mijn laptop beeldscherm het gewoon maar dan kan ik geen instellingen voor dubbel beeldscherm aanpassen dus daar heb k niets aan
Not the right place.
you should be able to reset the second display resolution/rate in the video driver settings
problem is he can't see the driver settings with a black screen :p
eh, that'll teach me to read the whole post

in that case it can be changed in the registry with the cable unplugged
I tried both ways (meaning cables) and I must say s-video > vga

anyway have you tried Fn + F7 or F8 combination (depending your notebook)
with those you can switch between lcd > laptop screen or use both
ye i tried that but it still doesnt switch my laptop monitor on for some reason :O(
with s-video you will only get PAL resolution. I had my laptop connected to my dad's beamer via s-video and it looked awful
Just use hdmi tbh lol
M6mmi, KAPOKS: Soulja Boy kicks ass XD
MASSIVE CrisLess #KAPOKS: who?
M6mmi, KAPOKS: The dude that got superfamous trough YouTube
M6mmi, KAPOKS: SouljaBoy
M6mmi, KAPOKS: wtf?
M6mmi, KAPOKS: where have you been living?
MASSIVE CrisLess #KAPOKS: i don't know souljaboy i'm not enteresting in youtube popular tards

I know im spamming now..
Ha something like this happened to me before with my 2 screens I lost the picture and couldnt get back to my desktop only my second screen! really can't remember how i fixed it tho!
safe mode?
to long read...
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