ET QW ??

what happened to it? they got their own community site or something? any mods still under development? just wondering ...
its dead
it never lived
it lived while it was produced and published, but than every1 noticed, its a fail, it went to death^^
I slashed it to ground with my Masamune.
mamasume ?
you playing too much final fantasy? :D
Been playing it 3 days in a row now.
owns, eh :P
you didnt see or hear nothing about QW, just back away
only pub left no comp. anymore :<
quake wars? whats that?
haha,got you!
nobody said quake wars, just QW! So you have to know whats it... ;)
the game has really too much bugs and things wrong..

resoult is this :>
#tag.etqw lineup:

he still tries to convince us that etqw is awesome !!
I've not played ET:QW in a few months now :(
They have released it already?
OC still running. not that much like in ET but enough for some fun in 6v6s or 4v4s.
it was doomed from the outset
nP: Legion of the Damned - Undead Stillborn
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I played QW for a while when it was released and I thought it was pretty decent, even though many things needed to be changed for it to become really enjoyable.

The general attitude against it before it even was released is what killed it.
acctually the game felt pretty "ok" after promod was released etc, the problem was that 3/4 of the teams around had already left the game when Splashdamage finally released their SDK (so ppl could do a promod etc)... and vanilla ET:QW was a pain in the ass (at least imo)...
There was a lot more to do with vanilla ET:QW than people realized. Cvars to disable vehicles, dump a lot of player data, record server side demos (which could be used to create a vod stream for example), too bad no-one had time/interest to look into that.
yeah, i dunno much about those things... anyways promod, etqwtv etc just came too late... that's all i wanted to point out.

I didn't want to say this is the communitys fault or SplashDamage etc ... i guess it's all in common (everyones fault)
Actually it was kinda fun: learning a new game, new tactics, new cfg, new weapons & maps... *sigh* good old times :l
There is a pretty cool Tribes mod coming out soon;

Dusk (zombie) mod is also fun to play;
the last try to keep qw alive? if i would join the survivers, perhaps i get in qw fame and moneyz :DD
After over a year the amount of players has only dropped by around 25%, so for those still playing it it's still very much alive. I'm not one of those people though.
always when i played qw on pub i guess, i connected to "nq" servers with only bots where 1 or 2 polaks are online on them, and that sucked like hell ...
there is a official community site:
the forums are not as active as they where in the beginning but there are still a lot of people around.

QuoteThe general attitude against it before it even was released is what killed it.

that's true plus a lack of marketing.
In politics the voters are allways right. In gamedevellopment the players are considered retards who just cannot grasp the magnitude and perfection of the game ...

seriously, the beta was such total crap i didnt even care trying out the demo or the full game.
I'm not sure if you'll still read it, but a beta is what it says - a beta. it is far from being finished. splashdamage did great work in fixing bugs and glitches from beta on to the next 2 / 3 patches.

you can discuss about the engine in general (it runs really unsmooth) or the game mechanics (which suck if the game is not played the way it is meant to be - which is 90% of the time) but it is a very finished and nearly bugfree game.
if the game is so good, why isnt anyone playing it?
its not for free, and needs some good hardware.
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