its thursday


i'm totally fucked up. woke up too late for my geography test, i'm ill, and that i didnt go to the test i have to go to the doctor hoping he gives me a medical certificate that i'm ill and cant go to the school :(

its the 3rd day where i wasnt in school, and i have to go to school tomorrow again otherwise i ahve to talk with the rector -.-'

hows your morning? -.-

btw i coudlnt sleep this night because my ex gf and me had a long talk about our i'm fucked up in this case too. nice, or?

haha :'DD
2nd day not in school,sick ;< hv to go tomorrow cuz of biotechnology test...and im fucked up too! so eh...hi2u :D
haihai..tomorrow i gonna have a physical test too -.-'
pornography test is what I read, still sleepy as well I guess :D
:D good morning mister
Swingin it like monkeehs, kickin it like donkeehs :o


sitting here in university and bored like shit
we need a kick ass flash game imo!
fucking indeed
good morning mr. pornostar.
mornin :O

btw you shouldn't steal journal titles from MINI, he is possed by daemons
and a very dangerous little munn :o

oh and get over a future with a girl when you're so young, it's like the ultimate love but it's so rare that it lasts till there is the possibility of a future. So many fish in the sea m8 :P
o: tell me something about physics and mechanical waves, dont get it :c

ofc i stole it, just wanna make him angry oÒ
dunno just be creative like him:
image: humandrawingis4


erm...i'm ill...but shall i go to the doctor or not? ... hmm ... questions over questions... and im hungry..but when i eat something, i cant bite twice into anything without being full :/
if you can't get over it make her jealous, but don't over do it. theres a thin line and it depends on the girls personality/morals etc tbh. Also I wouldn't advise to act whiney or beg or cry etc, theres only a few situations where that helps :> :D :o
did u read my reply?

guess not :DDDD

but i am pretty close to get my gf back :/


she still loves me but dont wanna have a relationship :c
we had same situation with my girlfriend a while ago, just give her time to think what she wants and be prepared to get the worse answer. and yes, making her jealous is good advice too ^^.
yesterday she told me that she still loves me but dont wanna have a i told her to w8 for her, and than making big luv togetha but she thinks it will take to sylvester (and she wanna surprises me and come for sylvester to me <3 but that she still wanna do this is another question (some pretty hard conflicts))

well well...tomorrow physical test m8 and i need some infos .__.
thats not so bad as you think. we had exactly the same, took her 2 weeks to decide. meanwhile i was just partying. :D
me not, got new car, much to learn, and im still ill :c

BUT on the parties i went, every1 told me fucker, it will be great their, so many bitchez etc. and wut was? a pretty kiddy-party with a bit beer. -.-
you do know that if I a girl is deciding it usually means that she's fucking/checking out another guy and if he sucks and she got no more options she'll come back but that's never a good sign and you can count on a bad ending :x If it doesn't make any sense to you you just imagine what reason there would have to be for you to have to tell a girl you need time :o
ye, it usually means
Quotei cant bite twice into anything without being full

Sounded like your failing with her :D

I take that back you are failing :/

Quoteshe still loves me but dont wanna have a relationship

get a new hoe :D
I just feel gr8 this mornin!
missed my drive to work, my stomach is hurting and all friends are at work or school. so i have nothing to do until 4, unless friend comes online to play some wow :x
At work, whole office is messed up because some retard in technical support didn´t continue our contract on pc-using, got only one working pc here atm, normally there is four :/ Luckily it has been quite quiet day, so far.

Gotta go off again, someone else has work to do, coffee---->
How is life as a working being?
Do you have a nice job, or are you waiting for a better one?
Or do you already regret you didn't get a proper diploma? (not that i say this is the matter)

Do you live on your own?
Don't you get cranky being in an office with same walls & people all day long?
Do you have a relationship?
If you would have to put a percent on it, how much are you independent?
On your profilepic you seem like a big junk, are you one?
Do you listen to metal?
Do you have your own car?

How important are familie activities to you?
What programs you use on the computer?
Are you happy with your salary?

Have a nice day, skazi.

Got two jobs + little bit school on a side, little bit tired from time to time.
Nice job, though salary isn´t so good.
Still studying, no regrets.

Yes, I live on my own.
Nope, I got nice workbuddies and I can work on my own phase.
Not sure, last week I was, on weekend I wasn´t, now I don´t know.
As much as I need/want to %
I don´t have long hair nor beard anymore :)
Yes, I listen to metal. But there is always room for good music from different genres.
No, I don´t have a car. I have owned three cars, but I don´t need one right now.

Good relations are enough, no need for much activities.
Mirc, firefox, ET, photoshop, illustrator, winamp, pidgin, bsplayer, mpc, ventrilo, pokerclient etc etc.
I get enough money to live, ofc it could be more.

Thanks for the interview, shoutout to Finland Arde!

Have a nice day too.
thanks a lot!
too bad, gl with everything
i'm fine :d

6 hours of work left today, tomorrow "betriebsausflug" and then weekend!! \o/
last day of school before holidays :DD
and we will have 1 whole week without school
I was only ill for 1 afternoon in my whole school carreer since 10yr.

Grow up gari, you're fucking 18
since i do my graduation i'm more ill than anything else.

the 12years before i was after all years 5days ill or so.
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