COCKMFG! alc + gf!

dunno if u experienced the same..but if i go out with my gf we usually drink a lot and when were going home we always have an arguement... mostly about feelings and different views of life etc...the good thing about: we talk and u can hear a lot about hows your gf is dealing with life etc...dunno why, but i rly like it...its like an up and down at one time - total drama and finally big love..

bad thing: the next day!! ;(

weve been to a company party of shes flirting with everyone...its poor to watch but i like it though..they just cant match up differnt :P
kick her ass oh my goad
haha i already did...but im not a jeleous person at all...i know i can have others and i know gf knows that too :-P
still a gaming site haha
The next guys she flirts with, casually walk over to him, pick up a glass ashtray, smash it off the bar, and stick it in the cunts neck. Thats what she wants you to do
Could do some better things :{
retard spotted..
Ill keep quiet.
Finally, some wisdom !!
And the innocent guy trying to hit on some lady get's fucked for no reason. It's not like unavailable girls have mystical sign on them that informs every person in the world that she's dating with someone.

Ring your bitch if you want no one to hit on her.
Hi honey, Im home!
you like to watch when ur gf is flirting with everyone?
no...i dont like too see above... but i dont have a prob with it generally...just dont wanna see it irl
I'd do..
image: 23071734776
wonder what he was saying at the end

i have np with that flirting at do the same if its good for me @ company... np..but i dont wanna see it!!

dont get me wrong..shes totally in not the one whining...!
you don't wanna see it? then gtfo and leave her alone! :d

"dont get me wrong..shes totally in not the one whining...! " jaja... I think its the other way around tobih :p
well ofc im in love with her..what do you think? :o)
but when i step off her, shes walking after me...u get my gtfo yourself! :D
I dont really like the rollercoaster you described but thats prolly cuz we dont know each other so well.
what has your opinion about that rollercoaster feeling to do with the fact that we dont know each other? :)
im talking about me and my gf? :D not me and you :ddd
wups :D my fault...

yes well then i hate it too...its fucking irritating...girls have the advantage in the beginning of a relationship...but it will turn -_-
actually the first moments are easily for men, then its woman's dominance but yes, youre right, it will turn in the end again for men!
Ye used to have same with my ex-bf. But there it was the opposite: he was flirting with every girl who wanted to, which didnt cause any arguements coz I guess its natural to flirt, even in a relation.
Plus guys do it more obvious then girls - girls do it in an obvious way only if they want more attention from their boyfriend (find the hidden hint)
Still why should I whine when my (ex/future) boyfriend flirts with other girls, when i am sure he loves me? They can´t help themselves, they are guys... so...
we're allows to have several gf, whereas they're not ! they must have only one boyfriend !
sorry you're just my 2nd, i don't have more i swear
If u were my boyfriend and u had another girl then me, id rip ur dick off, i swear :p
Okay seems like i get the point. From my point of view your girlfriend clearly likes the attention she recives. Ive had a blonde too once that did the same kind of stuff and not to mention we also used to trink a bit after going out and then talk about life how good and cruel it can be. She was just my type. But it the end it was just too much to handle.
Some girls normally love to drive their boyfriends crazy and jealous.

You are aware of the problem but one day it won't be likeable to watch trust me!
Even tho people say that they never cheated and never will they are always fantasizing how it would be to do it with another person. And actully most of them doing it in the end.

So my advice to you is keep an eye on her even tho you sometimes think that shes trustable!

What comes around goes around ;)
well actually my point was the drinking/arguement/feelings thing.. not the flirting...i know her impact @ i might not be with her if i have a big prob with that..

this journal is going in the wrong direction :D its not that i feel less loved or smth... its actually her whos walking after me when i leave etc... so what i say counts a lot to her...shed never react like "well im the way i am and thats it" or smth...

i think its always our fault, if a gf cheats..cause girls are trustees if ure _the_ man for her...we, males, are much harder to handle...i many men could resisit jessica alba offer? :D
rapture hows u?:>
heeeey isen :D long time no see!!

im v. fine actually...had a job interview yesterday and life's just good atm -_-

how r u? :)
well in her business its necessary to know many ppl...yuppies :( so its just natural...
well ok, i think we have a differnt view of what flirting is :D
for me it starts when u laugh about bad jokes etc...^^
well then shes flirting all the time, biatch! :D
stop building underground bunkers u sick austrians :> hows u rapture?
i dont have one...or i have one? i think i have one..but i dont use it..or i... :D

im fine and u? :)
i wanted to point on that quarrel-game after going out at home...with gf... actually :/
When I feel it everythings fine :o
dont let her flirt! go knock her out and give her the fuckin hair side of ya hand!!!
another wnb-macho detected .. rofl tekno...pls! stop making me laugh
He's speaking the truth =( It still hurts!
Pls... Tekn0 saying that is like... rofl .. hahahaha he made me rly lol ! He couldnt even kill a fly!

And no its not the truth, girls flirting obviously = she wants more attention from her boyfriend =( thats the sad truth
Don't take my comments so seriously =( HAIRY HAND SIDE FTW
Id suggest a shave for the hairy side :<
and she'd so attention that the bf slap her and the guy with who she's flirting !


image: touch02301

I love too :D
the guy slapping me should be prepared for the echo (nice kick into the balls hurts too)
not every girl is like you.
I know .. but a girl should show some selfesteem when a guy tries to treat her like shit
Talk to the pimphand
damn good ass!
image: bacon-in-ass

Who is she?
you mean WHAT is she ?
maybe a robot who knows ? SHE IS PERFECT
there is no guarantee for anything in life, but u need to trust ppl. And if u dont trust ur own gf/bf ur life is rly sad ..
domestic violence is always the answer
just go for a boyfriend. we boys understand eachothers right?
ich seh das immer so. appetit holen kann sie sich gerne, doch gegessen wird zuhause.
!google bicmac +sauce +romantic ....
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