Help plx =(

Hey there mates as I'm leaving my house for the first time in like 10 years I need your tips. Could you name some of the best pubs in london? I mean I'm fucking poor therefore no super-duper-expensive stuff or clubs :P Cheap & good ones are welcomed though :P
Using The Generator as our dosshouse :D

Thanks btw you're helping a nerd brother out :P
Polac Puby on west ham
image: 2rh1gjn

legendary laska ;)
^^ nice that you still got that screen xD
interested in London-DnB-Scene? pm me
4 - 8 in the crobar off tottenham court road is happy hour with cheap prices (for london:d) and thats quite close to you (5 mins if you use tube - which you must!)
umm if youre going there on the weekend you might want to take some wellies :P

just round the corner from there is a bar called The Montagu Pyke which is a Lloyds bar, lloyds/wetherspoons bars/pubs are generally the cheapest places to drink in ! but can be a bit of a draw for the chav on weekends, mid week theyre usually full of old men

3 stops north on the northern line (black tube line) is camden town which has a few bars and markets and stuff can be a decent place for an afternoon if youve got nothing else to do :]
you can generally haggle at the market stalls too ;d

more info available if needed
thanks :P Do you think I need a sticker with our address around my neck/arm so that the taxi driver will know where to take me? :D or is it like "london cheap", meaning actually still paying a shit load of pounds? Screw your pound being so much stronger than our euro :<

edit: EW old men not really my taste but maybe they are hotter in England :P Are those bars very famous? I mean I have to thank you for your effort but we aren't native speakers and don't really talk it in school that much. Therefore it might be quite hard to speak english if we already drank something :P The thing I mean is, if I go to someone talking like "hey where is this bar" does he actually know where it is since I probably won't be able to remember how to get there :P

edit2: We are going there next thursday meaning we will be there during halloween :P is there any special halloween partys or events in london at that time? The best would be free drinking or happy hour all night long ^-^

Sorry for spamming you with this post O.o
well london's pretty fucking big so i doubt anyone knows every part, every bar etc :P

in terms of getting back to hotel just write down / remember the street name and the nearest underground station - people will be more able to help you find underground stations than landmarks generally

if you go out after 10am or something you can get a day travelcard for like 7 quid or 4.80 if you want to stay in central area so public transport is easily the cheapest way to get around, streets can be confusing and taxis cost quite alot :!

drinks wise you're going to be looking at 2.30 being cheap for beer in a pub and prices go up to maybe 3/4 pound in the more expensive places (this is for a Pint which is 568ml)
bottled beers usually are expensive but not everywhere EG wetherspoons bars : P

have you got any plans at all for the weekend ? any sites you want to see or are you just getting pissed ^^ museums are free if youre into that sorta thing

i guess lots of places will do some theme night for halloween depends on where youre going i guess :p

i can't stress enough that there are pubs and bars all over the place so if you're looking to go for a beer just stroll around for a min \o/

personally i go to the metal bars mainly when im in the centre - i finish uni at 2 or 3 on thursday want me to take you to a few in the afternoon? :D

p.s. going with -=[VP]haZer=- ?? :D
ya going with VP haZer or ger haZer or mpg haZer name him how you want to :P we already thought about taking a 3 day ticket since we can use it the whole time and those 1 day tickets are only for a specific amount of time if I'm not mistaken. Something like from in the morning till the evening but not covering the night :/

sadly we have some plans since we go there by school as our "finishing trip" since we are going to do our A-levels pretty soon ^-^ That's why we have to visit museums, big ben and everything :D dunno when we are arriving in london actually Oo we take our flight at around 11 am and I think it takes us a while to actually get ready for going out :P

We know that there are a shit load of pubs and everything around but we are not even students therefore we have even less money than you do :P That's why we want to get drunk as much as possible for the less possible amount of money ^-^

You sure could take us around but as I already said don't know when we are actually ready :>
day travelcard lasts till like 6am next morning imo :>
ah btw what are wellies? :P sorry to bother you on this old thread but its getting closer so i need to prepare myself :D
Lol! rubber boots for when its raining

on the weekend the toilet in the crobar can sometimes be ankle deep in piss :!!!!

np thou
XD nice nice we will see how we deal with the circumstances ^-^ thanks for everything mate :P
PANIC, might helps to watch out of the window to check if it's raining or not:O): summer/winter jacket etc ;x
ah I dont care about raining :P We are there for like 4 days only so we can't care about something like that :D thanks for your tip btw :D
np ! gl >>> want full story afterwards: from the outside world:O)
IF WE SURVIVE!! I mean it's like a metropolis =( Very nerd unfriendly but I will try my best to get home alive with haZer ! If I manage to do so, I will write down the story just for you :P
Im not from around there, but, you should go to the pub with the cheapest drinks and then take a dump in the urinal. :)
made me giggle actually xD WILL DO SO THOUGH
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