
where do you play free online pokerz?

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WoW, this is a question that you don't even need to google seeing as you get 500000000000000000 fucking ads a day for it.

oh yeah i guess i can google "where do xfire people play online poker" quite well

fucking retard?
hkrep... @crossfire? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!
Member For: 3 years, 9 months and 22 days !
What i meant is.... Im rather surprised to see you on here! Still playing any games?
Hmm, bit of WoW now and then only tbh, I work 3 evenings a week, 1 evening I train with my dog and the other one I do schoolstuff.
Fair enough, i havnt played wow for a while now, but im kinda considering playing again @ wotlk!
3 years, 10 months and 16 days !
NoIQ poker
In my opinion the best for players who don't want to deposit anything. I already made 350$ out of it without depositing a single $
Sorry, we do not accept real money bets from your legal jurisdication.
omg i just love Estonia

we even dont have access to itunes. :SSSSSSSSSS
Every night they have a nice freeroll (going from 250$ -> 1000$) at 21CET. I played a few of those though I didn't win the most with them. But there are also a lot of "private" freerolls and often they show the website of the forum organising this freeroll. Just go there, register and ask for the password. These are often freerolls with a cash prize of 50$ -> 250$ and it's very easy to win there. I won 250$ once with such a "private" freeroll.
But ofcourse none of this is possible without a lot of luck ;)

facebook poker LOL
partypoker ( i love the fish. )
Pokerstars ( for a nice game )

Currently at fulltilt cause of the highstakes table's mostly.

Partypoker has 25/50 @ max and it's always full
Pokerstars has like no empty table's @ high stakes

Fulltilt they always have atleast 3/4 table's open, good for multitabling :D
I don't play online poker
freeroll ftw
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