drunken car driver! no cc5?

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Sascha "criatura" B. called me for 15 min's around and said that hes on the police station and he is fucking drunk , he drived 50 meter's with his car because he feel like he can drive and police stopped him :DDDDD.

image: b3933gqlaw4ki3e1h

He had an alcohol test 0,94 still after 6 hour's of dancing and drunking like hell.

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He still waiting for the Bus and he said he know's that im online :-D that's why he call me on handy , and he said aswell shit ohh my god cc5 is in december. I told him to chill he can drive with me, if me and Turkey fireBall going.

And tbh 250.- Euro and he lost his driving license for 1 month congratz homie <3.

image: SWO_014

Kids never drive with alcohol , tbh he said aswell his parents will kill him :-D.

LoL cria... rly -.- gg! hf with 1month ban :-s
gratz :)
dont do alcohol..:S use drugs instead! :D
prolly wouldnt have changed his current situation..tho i think he just told that to have an excuse not going to cc
are you fkn n***** stupid? (ah forgot you are..) that's as dangerous as with alcohol -,-
why are all the minorities cheering for drunken driving..?
i don't drink alco at all, but you're writing bullshit bout drugs. it depends which one drug, how much, who's takin' etc.

naive of you, rly
damn, i was hoping that he crashed his car and died
ah,hi cu lan hurensohn :)
yes, looking forward to bash some nerds
another 17 year old nerd, we will see
he *drove because he *felt
OMG btw und guten morgen :)
for 1 month? should be taken off for 100 years
your from sweden, but i saw they have to pay 90 EUR for wrong parking in norway!!!

your not from sweden lol?

edit: take it soft on me...
jep, but 90 &#8364; is really cheap compared to what u need to pay if ur too fast.
are u dumb? he is the most famous fintard in ET!
i agree, :/
could have happened to andreas fahnemann aswell...
loooool :(
nice der sascha
it's funny until he crashes and seriously injures himself or -even worse- someone innocent

scandinavian countries (or at least sweden) have by far the best politics concerning this issue
then again Scandinavia only has shitbeer
shit i missed your engrish
for one mounth :O pfff in poland you loose for one year :D
U lose a license at least for for 1 year in RUssia if u don't have 3-4 k Euro with yourself
500e was enough :D, speaking from experience.
not very smart to drive car while you are drunk...
hahah :D
retarded to drive while drunk
1 month: not much, i would give more.
lol , well earned :-D
nice to call your"e-friends" in a situation like this
ye idd :D
1 month only :S
@ EE 6 months
not rly
driving in drunk is fuckin pathetic. should get a headshot IRL. doesnt matter how much alcohol you have in your blood. if you drive once, some of ppl gets the feeling "police didnt stop me last time, so i can do it again, np" and usually then he/she will be more drunken.

image: 3-11-04

image: 289133_f520
beside the HS-part I have to agree..
I drive always while Im wasted!
semi-hienohko läppä. taattua KRP-laatua.
holy shit, is that second picture real? o.0 looks fake, yet eerily real...
rofl get a live and go to bed man
going out is pretty dangerous ! be aware xfire members
does humm3l know that tbh = to be honest?
1month ?
I would take away his driving license for his whole life.
0,94 isnt that much
I thought the same :D
when police catch people who are drunk and drive at Poland, they have at least 2,0 or smth like that
well done
never agree to be checked by those mechines you blow in them
them are incorrect !
always asked to test your blood :~>
they do that anyway. If your result on the alcohol tester is too high you have to leave a blood sample at the police station.
you europeans never learn...
always leave 100euro or less in your driving license, so when the policeman ask for them, he will see the money and believe me he knows :XD
better lose 100euro and not 250euro 8D
Might work in you not civilized toy-world, but when you got to a REAL country you will notice it wont work.
nah it work everywhere if you got the balls to do it
europe, russia, usa
Oh come on, you dont know shit about other world. You are so brainwashed mudnigger :D Have you ever visited other countries? Not arab countries i mean..
i have many many russians friends, who lived and were in russia for many years
first israel is one of the countries you can stay outside after 10pm
unlike russia
i want to see you walking in russia metro at night lol

stebbing and killing on daylight in russia

all the hardest crimes in israel are perform by russians

i dont have to be blind to know its shit
and therefor i dont have to be in russia or any other country to know its shit

russia is focking shit 8D
Id you even had little brain, EVEN A LITTLE BIT OF BRAIN SOMEWHERE, youd check if im really russian. No im not. And dont you dare to say you have friends :D bullshit
im taking russia as an exemple 8:D::AD:
and i have friends olol !
they are russians and they hate russia themself !!!
well i wont bother myself to enter your profile and check !!!
you flag faker !
serves him right.
What a fucking idiot..
He should have printed out for death
Serves him right.
Good job police :))) The thing is, you can hurt others by drinking and driving :x

Too much news on Finland that "Young girl was killed in a car accident, driver was drunk"
0,94 ? noob
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