Wireless question

This is probably a really stupid question but what download speed can I actually get through a wireless router?

I have changed to BE in the UK when I moved house and have a 54mbps router but my speed is only achieving 3? Supposed to be able to achieve 18 at this distance from the exchange on ADSL2.

Is this my line or the fact I'm on wireless? Always used hardlines before and think I'm getting done by my ISP tbh.

Any help appreciated.

king solomon :o)
Yes thank you for your valuable contribution mr flushje ;)
Couldnt help it
I get a third, sometimes the half of possible download speed
I get up to 1800 kb/s but only 600 wireless. But I guess that's normal.
Quote by FamousjuhSol when you read this, i've to say something. A long time ago maybe 6-7 months we had wireless internet without a password to our router, and we live right in the city. So I think somebody got on our wireless internet and bought some cheats

don't have wireless inet.
How far away is your PC from your router and what signal strength + actualy wireless speed (not internet speed) are you getting?

I was on wireless and never had a problem, I was on 8MB and got about 6 through wireless which was pretty much the same as when it was a wired connection.

edit: hi sol btw :)
How do splodge long time no see, how's life?

I get 54mbps connection to the router. Just checked some more and its the line to the house. I'm only 1k from the exchange and only getting 3meg connection which means my isp is screwing me :(
Im good thanks mate, at uni at the moment. What have you been upto?

Get on the dog and bone and tell them to sort it out! :)
54mbps is the rate from router - to PC, not acctual internet speeds.
Doubt ur being "done", i guess u just didnt read the small print, broadband is never what they say it is. Im on "up-to 20mb download speeds" I get around 19000kb/s, aka, around 2.5mb. Wich is around 2000KBs.
I think u need to understand the diffrence between kbs and KBs
image: 340385949
image: mbhv4

Hope that asnwers ur question :D
well the maximum throughput of data you can get on a 54mbit wifi is 22mbit. the rest is occupied by crc and error correcting code etc.

mind you its the THEORETICAL maximum speed during perfect conditions. you would prolly find yourself way below that. 3 sounds kinda low though. how did you get this number?

there are many things that can lower your speed on a wifi. disturbance from for example microwave ovens can fuck it up completely. also if some of your neighbors are using the same channel it could fuck it up.

try changing the channel in the router and see if it helps.

btw wifi also produces lag and higher pings. a good advice is ALWAYS use a wire connection when gaming. WIFI is for checking mail and surfing the web. NOT gaming.
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