
Since my current headset seems to be slowly dieing, I'm looking to replace it.

One option is just to do what I've always done and get another headset, probably something along the lines of a Sennheiser PC161

However, another option which I think I would prefer is to buy some proper headphones along the lines of Sennheiser HD280's and solve the microphone problem another way

I've got absolutely no experience with mics outside of headsets, so if someone does a similar thing or can point me to a good model or brand I would appreciate it

I was thinking just something that would clip onto my shirt? I want to avoid those desktop mics if possible.

(Any suggestions for the actual headphones are welcome too, unfortunately I'll probably be using them outside of home so I can't really go open phones, which is why I was looking at the HD280's)

tl;dr - recommend me some relatively cheap but usable clip on microphone or some closed headphones in the price range of HD280's

picture related

image: _golio
"ZALMAN ZM-MIC 1"? Any experience with it? Copes with voice activation ok?

edit: and HD555's are open headphones, im looking for closed
ye my m8 have this microphone and it works realy good ;]]
sry i dont read all:

hmm hd280 are good too - using it with my mp3 but if you realy want to hear clear sound buy hd555 but it's realy expensive ;[[
i know, open headphones are always going to be superior to closed, but the external noise and lack of sound isolation kind of make them hard to use in situations where you can't control the sound enviroment
As for zalman mic (I'm using it here) it is really good:
- it is being clipped to headphones cable, for me it's a big plus as I don't have to bother with clipping to shirt and then unclipping, but watch out whether your cable isn't too thin, I guess that it could be a problem as it could be moving then
- as for loudness, it is very good, but... it also catches then environment sounds around =D I've got to mute when there was a storm outside or plane going by ^^ at least they were whining about it @ TS.
in Sennheiser, whats the pc*** and hd*** stands for? :x
why use headset?
mine was 3 euros, working perfectly
1000 hours in mspaint
sir, i applaud u
SteelSeries H5
they've got some pretty shitty reviews, oh and its a headset
New icemat headset is really nice
doesn't really look promising when all the reviews it quotes are based on "style" and "looking cool" ;_;

also they are open :(
I got one of theirs and its like super massive liek overkill big :D (Make up for summin i guess)
i got the audio 350,pretty small and very good
image: 4256_64
That's a piece of shit. The only people who would consider that a good headset are those who've never spent more than 30 pounds on a piece of sound-equipment.
why give 30 pounds?i usually brake them/throw them.best price~quality
Cheap things break because they're cheap - not because you break them. You get what you pay for.
my first razer diamondback broke after 3 months,and it wasnt 'a cheap thing'
All gaming hardware is cheap and poorly made.
same for 3 years already :)
5e market product
Headsets are shite. I've got a pair of HD280s and they're really good. I have a small mic clipped onto the side of my monitor and it does the job, just about. If you want the mic quality to be as good as it'd be with a headset then you'd need something better. Apparently the Speed-link True Voice is good and inexpensive.
Yeah I know. HD280s are very respectable closed headphones, used by a lot of Quakers in particular, good all-rounders and the only real complaints I've seen is that they lack a bit in bass, but that I could deal with or adjust on a soundcard level.

Looking at that Zalman clip on mic at the moment, doesn't seem too bad, found a couple of samples of it and it sounds pretty decent.
perf....no wait...


.DD::D:D:D:d.D_:D::D;D::D:D.D:D:D:D::DDD:D Hahahahahahaaaah :DDDDDD Im so laughing atm
perfo = trustheadset boy
yeah :D (y)
image: 10406116

realy nice headset :)
and not that expensive
image: l_00013687

Altec Lansing AHS 615
thats a headset :(
do not, i repeat do not buy Steelseries Siberia (ear version, theres a bigger version which seems ok). It fucking hurts my ears, could be cause im wearing glasses. The mic is a bitch to setup in ventrilo if you arent using push to talk.

go lio !
some1 explain the "go lio" runnin gag .. wasnt online for quite some time .... what did i miss
why do u want a closed headset for gaming?

e: get rid of the tl;dr u only get shit replies like this
If price isn't an issue go for Audio Technica ATH-A700 + random senheiser microphone.


image: ath-a700
Decent suggestion. I've the open-version of those.
I used them and I think they are awesome. I use Audio Technica ATH-EM7 for my mp3 player and they are great. Even using them for gaming atm because my headset broke and I think they are clearer than the steelseries 5h I was using.
Same. I'm using my 'mp3' earphones - Shure SE210 (I've product-tested the SE310 and 420's as well!) - as my main headphones since I couldn't carry everything down with me. Got them plugged into a Creative Xmod. It's about as the best sound I'm going to get out of netbook!
The Sennheiser HD280 Pro are top notch headphones, lacking a bit bass (only noticable with some music though).

In addition to those I'm using a Speedlink Pure Voice table mic and ppl haven't really complained so far about me sounding crappy etc.
I've had some small Labtec and a Plantronics table mic before that but returned them as they were utter shit.

Edit: You should also get a cable extension for the HD280 as it uses this curly cable which doesn't really reach too far.
Think I've decided on the Zalman for its clip on nature

I read that the HD280 cable is between 1m and 3m due to the coils, I'll probably see what its like first and if worst comes to worst i could temporarily connect my front audio jacks to my sound card until I got an extension
image: manf

Might be out of your range, didn't fully read the thing, mainly the title and that was it, oh and the pic obviously.

E: Alright maybe not, judging by the prices I just checked
Ive got this Microphone: image: 395_1_image

And this headset: image: G
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