
Being that as of the end of June I'm going to live in england for a year to work in a hotel[part of my school course], ill be looking for areas to live. So what I'd like from you Englishmen is advice on some places. One must keep in mind that I am a student so my pay won't be "grand che", so the standard of living of that area can't be immensely high.. example.. I don't plan on living on Kings Road.

The places I was thinking about were....

- Leeds (MalMaison Hotel), it's situated in central Leeds, relatively cheap to live, but being up sooo North scares me :p.

- Woodlands Park Hotel in Cobham is a possibility but it would be expensive to live and not the liveliest of places but I'll be in vicinity of everything.

- Nutfield Priory Hotel in Surrey, basically the same thing as Cobham.

- Hilton Brighton Metropole in Brighton, which is right on the Beach, very close to the pier. Not a very expensive place to live, lots of nightlife, not far from London if I want to travel up abit. So it seems like quite an ideal place for someone not getting a magnificent pay.

- Lastly... Hilton Bath which I really doubt I'll be going to as I've found out its a very boring place to live and very expensive to live in.

What I'd like is some opinion on the places (Not the hotels, I gave those to assume ill be living in and about that area of the city) so that I can make the best decision basically.

PS. I've got lots of other choices but these are the ones that I shortlisted for various reasons. So if you recommend another place, please go ahead and do so and I'll tell you if I can even go there.


edit: also, I'm a massive Chelsea fan sooo thats the main reason why cobham/surrey is in there :p so being able to watch a couple of games would be nice as long as im not very far away, leeds makes it impossible :P
1st omg!

Try to avoid Stokes there in england, he'll probably try to sexually harass you, coz he's a fanboi and a ponce.
i'll be the only Malta playing ET? sad :(
lamerento and co are back playing , ur not alone =)
on which server :o
see them sometimes on almighty vent
u play public too?

GL Tox
marriot hotel fareham preety cheap and ncie to live in
I will have to do the same in 2 years. But I would advice you not to go to england. Way too cold and rain only :/
you didn't saw England once? :)
I think that counts as too expensive, being central London and all.
It's probably easier to get from Brighton to London (Stamford Bridge) than it is from Cobham, tbh, if you're relying entirely on public transport, btw. 40 minutes to Waterloo station from Cobham, 50 minutes to Victoria from Brighton, and it's easier/quicker to get to Fulham Broadway from Victoria than from Waterloo.

You already know my recommendation is Brighton. I know nothing about Leeds, tbh. I think it's quite nice, it's just a bit far north if you're wanting to come down to London at all often. Cobham is small and probably not great if you want nightlife - I'd expect it to be even less interesting than Bath which is, as you said, boring.
what are u gonna do in the hotel ?
you can visit meez in leeds!
to much to read :(
Why you picked England to do your internship, its a fucking depressing country as there is only rain, boring landscapes and ugly fat woman (steriotype I KNOW) eventhough London should be nice... i'd rather pick hawaii to study abroad /workplacement
all because of United KingdomPansy imo
shes gna be my fuckbuddy yes
My school doesnt offer soo many places, there are none outside of Europe, + I don't speak any other language besides Maltese or English so going anywhere outside of the UK isn't feasible. Scotland is too cold and green for my liking, while Ireland doesn't have many places on offer and Dublin is bloody expensive to live in. I don't want to have a language barrier basically. + I love England in general :p
yet all the fucking foreigners turn up here :x
I don't have much experience with those places.Though, I suggest you look outside London if you're on a budget. Contrary to Adacore's comment I think you can live further up north and still get to London quite quickly if you plan properly.

I would check the major train companies lines and see the destination times and widen your search.

If you go off Virgin's line (West Coast), which ends and starts at Euston, then you could consider Coventry, Birmingham, Manchester (I could advise) or Liverpool (I've ignored some of the less desirable stops!). I can personally get to London in one hour and forty-five minutes on the express service which runs frequently.

National Express took over GNER and run the East coast line now. Their stops are probably too far from London though: Glasgow, Edinburgh, Newcastle (I could advise), York (Toss' could advise!), Leeds and London.

All the stations are major so there's obviously stuff in between. I don't know anything about the South-East, though.

Moving even a little further north will save you a lot of money.
cheers for the suggestions. I don't "like" midlands.. got annoying family in Birmingham that I wanna stay well away from :P. As for manchester and liverpool, i havent got any opportunities to work there. Newcastle is too northern for my liking, theres no option to work in york, Leeds is as far as i'd go :p Leeds is a very good option, thing is i just dont know anyone who went to leeds as a student like me :P
I've travelled through Leeds like a million times but not much more than that. It kinda seems like a smaller and uglier version of Manchester.

Another point about the football. I don't know how expensive it's to watch Chelsea at home but if you lived a little further north you could visit away matches quite easily, and perhaps it would be less expensive than going to London.

Every major city has areas which cater for the low-income/student type who're looking for decent night-life so you can't really make a bad decision. Just pick whichever city appeals the most.
I'm from Brighton, its a nice city, your right plenty of night life...relatively cheap nights as well....The metropole is a nice hotel too..
more info, ur straight yes? :P
fatboy slim <3
when you come back
tell me if they are all fat uk 8D
I'd advise Newcastle ;)
I would stay out of the South-East if your on a budget. Leeds and Brighton both have really good night-life and are nice places to live afaik. Ive stayed in a MalMaison and they seem nice places, the one i stayed in was quite quirky.
this man speaks the truth, i have told you in length why i would advise leeds in your situation toxic
i need to find 1 student that went to leeds to get his opinion, both leeds and brighton seem like perfect places to live in... just i have more feedback about brighton and i have NONE on leeds :P
For the southeast, Brighton is cheap, and has awesome nightlife. Granted, that's still not as cheap as the north, but it's not bad - nothing like london and its surrounds.

I'd personally say Brighton and Leeds is a toss-up - they're both great options. My preference would be for Brighton as I know it pretty well and can vouch for it being a great place to live; it's reasonably close to London (50 mins on train), and Gatwick airport (30 mins on train) which has regular cheap flights to Malta and other places in Europe (such as Amsterdam for LANs); plus it's only 30 mins from where I'll be living so I can head down there for a few pints ;)

Tox: how central is the hotel in Leeds?
very central :P right next to the word CENTRE on google maps for Leeds :P
Newcastle got great nightlife
I live in Coventry and it's only about 55 minuites on a train to London. Its quite cheap to live here and theres a few hotels around the city centre.

There is a good bus service that runs around the West Midlands and Coventry has quite a decent nightlife and shops.
coventry sucks, warrington wins.
excuse me? dont talk to one of your natives in that way. penis flapper.
brixton, lovely place
Go to Leeds and beat the shit outta Meez.
i think u would fit in at brighton quite well :-)
IM NOT THE ONE PLANNING TO LIVE IN BRIGHTON. Oh ye use money as an excuse to go live there - i always knew u liked batting for both teams. Hell, stay at my house and i can show u how to play et ;)
ur just pissed that im gna be on the other side of england!

edit... sick reply skills
im sure that u will succeed pulling in brighton :-D
swear to god newcastle is the best place to live =D
Going to Germany Germany for my 6 months next year (januar - june)
I'm currently in my 2nd year of Hotelmanagement.
What departement you chose ?

Good luck !
Why not Scotland? :XDD
i live in warrington, fantastic place to live and work... surrounded by many big cities. liverpool and manchester being the closest and best, good for shopping and partying!

there are plenty of slags in my area, so finding a good fuck buddy is almost a given.

come work in warrington! and u can come partying with me!

E: about 4 hours train from london (so u can watch chelsea games!)

you are just lying to play for uk @ nations cup
ure a student and wanna pay to go to chelsea games?? Happy saving...
I would go somewhere more north, as southerners are ponces..nottingham is a top place for students....
Nottingham is a top place if you want a degree in bullet dodging :P
come to glasgow Toxic :D

ill set u up with some scottish slags :P
Go to the cobham one because i live 2 min drive from tehre and we can get ultra drunk and stuff :D
Dont go to cobham because potty lives there
Dont listen to splodge because he has been gay and inactive forever and we dont like people like that because they turn into queers and bumsecksersers and things and and and and and and and and I LOVE YOU SPLODGE!
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