Classic tv-series comparison!

So here's another amusing journal by me:

When I was a little kid I used to watch TV a lot. Among other shit there were those awesome, ridiculously unrealistic action series. Two of them became total classics imo and now I give you a chance to speak about which one you liked more.

#1 : image: macgyver

Mac Gyver - a US intelligence agent, which has always abhored firearms and used the most witty and ridiculous ways to defeat his enemies and to restore order and peace in da world. Few knew his first name but many experienced the power of his mind letting him beat the shit outta them without using guns. Definitely worth watching!


#2:image: ateam

The A-Team - a special force group of US army that was accused of "a crime that they didn't commit" who became soldiers of fortune. Also really clever guys who afair were able to create a whole arsenal of rifles that shat with fucking screws in 5 minutes after being disarmed and locked in a tool shed or something like that. Really cool stuff, lots of action, explosions and classic one-liners from Mr T like "I ain't getting on no plane".

I always liked The A-Team more because of more action, general cheeziness that made me lol a lot and the cool theme tune which was better than mcgyver's.

Go on Crossfire, tell me which one you prefer!
A-Team, no doubt.
omg u give the a-team :

A string
A piece of shit
A drink
A mousepad

And u get:
A tank
A helicopter
Another tank
A timemachine

! they rock <3
A-team ofcourse :>
Need third option: Knight Rider
image: TVts_hoffmeister_small
now you're talking!

or how about Airwolf Supercopter!
gays watch the oc
I don't know a single gay watching the OC
you meke friendz?
A-Team was the greatest
The most epic one of all time should be added here!
Heroes, just comleted s01.
Does anyone know "Eerie, Indiana" or something like that? I loved this series when I was younger. :D
image: 400px-Dragon_Ball_Z
real recognize real
OMG that's peter petrelli in you first pic!!
image: heroes_s01
a-team for sure
a team in robot chicken
Have 48 episodes of A-Team, still getting new :D
TV Okay! in ur kiosk every monday ;p
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