Today is another day!

It was my first time when i got drunk out of wine , it is like getting drunk of wodka , but less . So i recommend u wine and beer , ur getting drunk of it less than 5 min , just fucked my neighbour cat , it was painful , not for her , but fo me , cause i had to push down the moust tightful asshole htan u ever seen , so i wish u good luck , and i hope u get more vaginas than assholes .
Best Wishes
je i tottaly agree m8 i fucked a goat
are you Estonia motherfrucker?
YEs im am , how did u know ? did u fuck my mother =?
i tottly agrexc im just bak frm da club fucled 3 women n d 2 men got drunk in lesz dan 2 minutez..,.m,....
ur in bed with 3 women and 2 men ?
m8 ur gay
So wine is, erm, some kind of alcohol?
This journal is awesome!!!!
I wish I was like you :(((
the cat enjoyed it?
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