Duo VS Quad

Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 GO 2.4Ghz - 8Mb cache - FSB1066


Intel Core2 Duo E8500 3.16Ghz - 6Mb cache - FSB1333

What's the better cpu and why? The price diference between both it's almost nothing.

PS: Plz no answers like " E8500 is better cuz it has more clock mghz"

Quad Core will multitask better but for games that don't utilize the 3rd and 4th cores yet, the Duo will give you the best performance... if all you do is game and nothing else really with the machine, go for the Duo. The Quad would be better for AutoCAD work and intensive 3D programs.... and running a crap load of stuff AND a game at the same time...
its going to take a while till quad will take into full effect in gaming, and there are also beter quads now, i wouldnt take the Q6600 anymore, if you are planning on having a long long wait and just switch GFX cards withing the years id go for the 9550 or something, but if you are just going to wait 2-3 years, a #8500/400 should last you for 2-3 years untill u will have a new spec(by then 6-8 cores will be available, also Q will be cheaperand stronger)
E8500 is better cuz it has more clock mghz
go for quad imo, its a investiotion in future
E8400 is the best atm for games
e8400 pls
plz no questions like which one is better! Damn it isn't that easy to say which one is. Depends on which application you are gonna use it so a lil bit more info wouldn't be that negative.
So depending on each one strong points you should ask this one easy.
At first Q6600 is based on the old nano technology instead of E8500 so power consumption is plus for dual cores on 45nm. Quadcore technology is somehow a push over the limits since only few programs can run four cores stable http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/243332-10-programs-cores-quad-core-chip So (specifications wise) E8500 has faster clock 3.16 but two cores less but as i said that for now isn't that much important. So if you are gonna buy CPU for gaming i would definitely pick that dual core. Still Q6600 is a great option if you are running multi threaded applications + support for future.

My vote: dual core definitely
depends for what u are going to use it.

If only for gaming I would buy an E8400 tbh and not an E8500, E8400 is easy to OC and preforms good in games. And games prefer more Ghz then cores, will chance in the future though.

And I wouldn't buy the Q6600 anymore, it's outdated and the newer quads preform alot better.
go for Intel Core2 Duo E8500 3.16Ghz - 6Mb cache - FSB1333... the 4 cores is useless

It depends of what u do at your computer... if it is for random works (word...msn..etc) + games (et + some other old games) then go for the e8500
Achas que para o ET compro um pc novo? xD È mesmo um investimento para o futuro num pc novo daí perguntar duo ou quad mas tens razão, para jogos, duo tem melhor desempenho que o quad que é useless. Mas eu não quero o PC só para jogos, tb quero ver porn em hd ^^
xD Mesmo assim se fosse eu ia para o Duo... os quad sao muito bons mas hoje em dia os jogos/programas apenas utilizam 1 core (alguns ja utilizam 2) mas msm assim que eu saiba ainda nao existe nenhum que utilize msm os 4 cores :s Acho que ainda é muito prematuro comprar um quad...
Where does everyone get the money for new processors from?
Working, you should try it too!
Been there, done that, but spent my money on more exciting things than computer games.
E8500 is better cuz it has more clock Ghz higher FSB and more cache per core
Personally id pick the Quad. It'll be better for multitasking, 2.4ghz quad should be enough for any gaming that you want to do. Although as people have said, quad core doesnt offer much of an advantage in gaming yet.
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