ventrilo 3.0......

wierdly enough... as of last night at about 2030cet... i havent been able to connect to any server on ventrilo 3.0. It just stays on synchronizing for the whole time and then after 5 minutes stops trying, and the process is repeated if i press the connect button again.

Mumble, TS2, vent 2.1 all work (no clue on 2.2 and 2.3 as i dnt have servers for those, but i would assume it would work)

Vent 3.0 has always worked for me and i never had problems with it but as of last night i cant connect to any server of vent 3.0

any ideas? :(
wrong ip /port prob.
Change back to 2.1 :o)
use 2.2 or 2.3
I can't connect at vent 3.0 too, so I got an older version
Anything you changed regarding firewall etc? Tried to reinstall it? Overall, thats pretty weird!
checked firewall settings etc... it is allowed to pass through the firewall, i even put off the firewall just to test it and i still couldnt connect to anything
same here
re install
It's not a firewall problem, It's not a installing mistake.
Reset your router and you will be fine.
lol it worked :D

had the same, but you can get problems with your internet or it could slow a little bit down.
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