Two things that are bothering me right now

I was doing theory test for driving licence and eventually I aproached question number 13 (how unlucky,see screen below)

And what could I say ? I find it funny and very sad because I didn't see even similar question in Polish test.Looks like the big waves of thieves from eastern countries around 2004/06 left big scar all over the europe.
Now everyone is very aware and it has become a must for new drivers to answer such a question.

Personally I know a few guys who went abroad around 2003/5 just to steal car stereos.
As they were saying ''easy,noone takes off front panels,a lot of convertible cars,easy to break in,some cars are even open''

Ofcourse it was just part -time summer job for them.They ended up in prison,busted on the same street they lived for pinching stereos .

Such a question never appeared in polish tests.This issue is such smaller there,mostly because people can't afford fancy stuff so they buy crappy self-made rig (see answer D)

I was very self-confident when I was answering that question though I failed it :D

The second thing that is bothering me ...isn't she a real beauty? no silicon etc.
i have a mobile mp3 radio :d
this question is easy
image: z-503005008

oh love her songs :d
yes she is beautiful
dodgy question:D
only to not look gay i will say yes
dont care if i fail aslong as i wont look gay >:dp
to be honest I would say ''yes'' because

1)why not
2)no regulations say why I shoudn't
flemish and ugly
Well well .... toxic into belgian women :)
No, wannabe french belgian
her legs natural and long :)
That has got to be the most retarded question I've ever seen :/

And have you ever seen Kate irl? Believe me, she looks better on tv/internet :D
ye the question is strange...maybe because Im polish man in UK :/
i look better than she <yawning> : D
tbh u know nothin about poland x-d and like a typical goofy random nub from <EDIT>WEST POL HAHA</EDIT> u still repeat the same stereotype <B0ring)
ofcourse I know . Im polish :D:D
ich habe nicht polskie znaki :D

[POLSKI] chodzi mi o to ze czytam sobie test na prawko a tu takie pytanie,u nas w zyciu by takiego nie dali bo jest smieszne... ale nie zapominajmy ile polakow pojechalo na zachod na radia ... moich kolesi pozamykali na pare ladych lat bo nie mogli sie oderwac.tam kradli wracali i kradli dalej bo hajsu nie bylo.. tak kradli ze az pytania na testach powstaly zeby kazdy wiedzial jak to wyglada[koniec POLSKI]
[POLSKI 2 :D] to pytanie jest tylko dowodem na to, ze na zachodzie jest banda debili x-d , wyksztalcenie marne i taki skutek :P[koniec POLSKI 2]
kate ryan lolz... she is not that pretty :s
it's propably the make up !
dunno i never liked her... perhaps i like an other kind of look...
Na she just failed at Eurosongfestival thats why!
she is fcking ugly o.O
and her songs are sooooo bad
The next question is so funny.
Jessica Alba > Kate Ryan

image: albalj1[/url]
you got question 12 wrong ?
rofl yea haha:D

or maybe in Poland they got strong bicycles
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