Back from The Killer Bunnies 10 year anniversary

Ohhh yes, I am back from Finland/Anonymous The Killer Bunnies 10 year anniversary and I will tell you a little tale from the trip. :)

image: IMG_7071

I started out friday before noon by going from my place to the airport in Copenhagen and caught the flight to Vantaa, Helsinki. Got of the plane, but apparently we had landed in the domestic zone, which I found out after I had gone outside the "security-area"; I wasn't the only one though. So we were some people trying to find back to the baggage reclaiming area and when I was almost there someone tapped me on the shoulder; it was Netherlands/Anonymous Heineken, who had already landed. 5 minutes later, Finland/Anonymous Gaso picked us up in the airport, in the rented car, which we now should spend around 4 hours in.

Heading north, after some kilometers we stopped in Gasos hometown to get something to eat and some beers for the trip. We stopped at a pizza place, which apparently had won the award of the best pizza in the world (well the chain had won the award); the pizza was okay (with red onion, smoked raindeer and cantharellus), but not the best I have ever had :P
Anyway, back to the road trip, going north to the "Riihivuori skiing center" near Jyväskylä. I kind of felt bad for Gaso, since both HNKN and I was drinking all the way. We arrived at around 19 or something and started drinking and partying with the others who were already there. Somewhere after I had been in the sauna and hot tub I think I blacked out... only to find myself in bed the next morning, still being drunk; never try to do drink battles with Finnish people!

image: IMG_7062

Saturday started pretty slowly, since everyone was pretty hungover (or still drunk from Friday night). Around 12 we went to Megazone just south of Jyväskylä, where we played some lazer battle (pew pew pew 5v5). On the way back to Riihivouri, we bought some supplies for the night and then started partying again around 17'ish. Loads of drinking, saunaing, rock banding, pokering etc. :)

Sunday morning also started with a crappy hangover and the fact that we had to leave the cabin before noon; however, we managed to be allowed to stay a bit longer. Before leaving the cabin, we of course had to make a group picture and say bibuy to each other; in the picture below is: Gaso, myself, HNKN, sparksi, Kekka, powah and PassengeR... only missing kmble :(

image: IMG_7085

Sunday afternoon we (Gaso, HNKN and I) headed back to Helsinki to sleep at Gasos place in central Helsinki. We got up this morning and HNKN and I went to Vantaa once again, to catch our flights home.

Huge shoutout to Anonymous The Killer Bunnies who were there:
Finland [TKB]Gaso
Netherlands [TKB]HNKN_
Finland [TKB]Kekka
Finland [TKB]Maihti
Finland [TKB]Powah
Finland [TKB]PassengeR
Finland [TKB]sparksi
Finland [TKB]ziizaah

And myself: Denmark [TKB]Arachon

Tonight we are suppose to play the first playoff match in the ESL Fall cup, I wonder if people will be able to play :D
welcome back!

bald thugs :D
sounds like you had a good time
bald people invasion
What a poorly written report lol
whos who in the pic?!
omg PassengeR omg !
Hehe, that was a fun weekend. Thanks to everyone who participated. I still feel a bit groggy, though.
Lol, Nice that you had fun in finland :O)
sounds like a great trip :p

megazone +1 : DDDDD
haha nice pics tbh!! xD
xDD poor hnkn for being with all those fins XD
man , u look like a cool boysband
sounds like it was fun ;D
cool cool =)

wish i could have done the things you did :D

nice read.
nice journal

nothing compared to #KRP.ET meet.
Weekend was awesome, thanks to all bunnies (and others who participated)!
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