DoE ETpro pub

this f***ing server is shit! ETBOT heaven.
played there just few minutes ago o.O 1 admin just looks when 1 guy is cheating, do nothing. no vote kick so botters can play only if some1 does smt about it
dont play in this server, shit admins, lots of bots!
Doe ETpro pub, serious business
i'm banned from there cuz they think me hax
Because you do :_D
<i8b4uUnderground> d-_-b
<BonyNoMore> how u make that inverted b?
<BonyNoMore> wait
<BonyNoMore> never mind
who the fuck are you anywayz 8d
Im Jesse 'Ambrosia' Vervondel, pleased to meat you
dont talk shit.
i got banned there for cheating after 5 minutes
pic/avi or didnt happen
ofc i never take anything on public. sad, so i also got no proofs for my 6 man garand kill at u|k some days ago :-(
bio > all
idd bio is prolly the best pub
i like it myself
agree with schmusen, got kicked aswell
stop using fake names
If it doesnt have Minas Tirith I won't play there anyway.
hackers are getting banned as soon as theyr spotted ,
and most of the falsly banned ppl have been unbanned
any1 else think tehyve been banned for no reason post to get urself unbanned >>
I used to play there, was a nice server, now its worse than cybergames.
I got kicked aswell, but when they found out who I was, they apologized me at irc and invited me back! one of the best pubs fo sho!
As skilled as Bioserver imo .........
some admins like me, and the other keep kicking me for pwning :/, you won't c me there anymore
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Got banned from it.
We will turn kick votes on, and same what ALFA said, when I spot a cheater I will bann him as well.
sry for late reply but u guys should put "vote kick" on! its rly annoying when theres botter:-( and no admins... cant do shit
LOL u were crying that i had deleted u fro xfire?
Solve this via PM please, this is ridiculous.
My nr1 public server...literary

I enjoy playing there.
So doe admin where was his ban for hacking? Lol as I said noob admin
Doe is good server with some good people , dont know why some people are talking crap about it when its a good server for a fact. and they got good admins like electro andres and alfa.
Very fucking POINTLESS shit going on here in my fucking opinion ... if u dont like just FUCK OFF nobody is fucking forcing u to fucking play there ... as for elec and sharkie whatever the fuck is goin between u 2 ... rly just fucking talk in xfire or use pm's or w/e... :S
Congratulations, most fucks or fuckings I ever seen in 1 post (fuck x7) :D
FUCKIDY FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUCK !!! nice word :P i say it when i want to ok ? :P
got also banned from it cuz they tomoslav thinks i wallhack.
cybergames > all >.>
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