Top100 lyrics

Just check out that link and lets talk!

So... if u watch the artists, u will see that fact, black people rule the music.
And why? They are good, having better lyrics and better music than for example
Arcade Fire? Or its a hype? Or thats why Obama will win? (joke)

Alt rock is nowhere when on this genre is the most famous...
Ok, Coldplay, but everyone knows they are way too overrated.

Soon I go to the corners shop and i will hear some "hello nigga + brodda" or something?
lyrics suck
Niggers are good in carrying clay pots on top of their heads.
and put plates in their lips and rings around their neck and blablablablabla

edit: i forgot shop lifting
And running for US president.
obama should carry a clay pot on his head, he'll def. get elected
TOP 100 shittiest songs imo.
cuz users download illegally?
you are right, we cannot download black music illegally...i always find some alt rock only
Niggers have a good sense of rhythm
wtf all those r&b shit songs, most stupid list ever
dont u love it when 16 years old girlies are singing she licked me like a lolipop ?
i like 16 years old girls. but no singinging plx.
Rofl is that the top 100?
no, its an article about WW I.
TOP 1. Mistreat - We're Ready

Standing in the haven when the boats arrive
With a raff inside, they’re like pigs sty
They think they could come, and take the White man’s place
They think they can step on the master race

Hey nigger we’re ready when you are
Hey nigger you won’t get far
Hey nigger we’re ready when you are
Hey nigger you won’t get far

They take our jobs, they take our land
Before we know, we’ll eat from their hand
This way our nation, will fall to blacks
We gotta be brave enough to take it back


We must stop the scum, right at the border
Niggers have no place in our White order
To let ‘em walk free, would be a big mistake
We cannot just watch, when our culture’s at stake

Are you totally retarded? Or is it somekind of "LOLZ THIZ IZ FUNNEH HEHE". Idiot

beats that shit (performed this on highschool :>)
ah nice, i was looking for that song but forgot the title :D
that list pretty much sucks imo..
I dunno which mentally disabled people put this list together, but you can't be taken seriously if you have Beyonce and Britney leading the list, lolz
Coldplay's Rush of blood to the head is a classic imo, awesome album mainstream is not standard mainstream, since most of the users are musically alternative in some sort of way
Britney Spears is a known song-writer / poet i´m astonished that she is only ranked on 2
Peace to all the crooks, all the niggas with bad looks.
[center]Ik doe de deur dicht
Straten lijken te huilen
Wolken lijken te vluchten
Ik stap de bus in
Mensen lijken te kijken
Maar ik wil ze ontwijken
Voordat ze mij zien

Het is allang verleden tijd
Dat je mijn verjaardag niet vergat
Je onvoorwaardelijk koos voor mij

Ik zie de velden
Langs me heen gaan huizen
Het is stil achter de ruiten
Wie kan mij zien
In blauw verlichte treinen
Je hart is zo dicht bij me
Maar het klopt niet

En 't is allang verleden tijd
Je zwarte haren en je lach
Dat je heel de wereld voor mij was
Het zit nog veel te diep in mij
Dat ik mocht delen wat jij had
Je door m'n haren ging en zei

Je kent m'n stem niet
Wie ik ben is wat je nu ziet
Wil je dansen met illusies
In gedachten
Ben je verder dan het heden
Wil je terug naar je verleden
Zegt je dat iets

En 't is allang verleden tijd
Rode wijn op een terras
Dat je heel de wereld voor mij was
Het zit nog veel te diep in mij
Maar ik vergat hoe jij me zag
Dat ik zo anders ben dan jij

Ik loop de straat in
Maar het zal mij nooit verwarmen
Omdat het mij niet kan omarmen
Wie zou mij zien
Het liefst zou ik willen schreeuwen
Ik zou oneindig willen schreeuwen
Maar het gaat niet

Jij bent nu alleen van mij
Ik kan de wereld laten zien
Dat het zo beter is misschien
Het is allang verleden tijd
En ik vergat hoe jij me zag
Dat ik zo anders ben dan jij[/center]
Bestes dutch song imo :o I love it, so touching :'(
I dunno which mentally disabled people put this list together, but you can't be taken seriously if you have Beyonce and Britney leading the list, lolz
Beyonce, Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Rihanna and Kanye West in top 10.
I wouldn't make any conclusions based on this :D
i guess this aint about quality of the lyrics?!
most searched lol... quality? xD
ppl complain about how bad songs are... :s

i see phrases like 'better lyrics' 'better music' 'this and that sux' 'lol britney spears is crap' ... all aiming on the quality of whatever music.

popularity doesn't have anything to do with quality, that's what I was saying, simple as that
Popularity has a lot to do with money though, and that's what the creators of this bullshit cares about. :(
Sad industry.
agree, sort of.

live and let die though, dunno if that makes sense in english :D
rofl there are only pop "artists" and popniggers

retards, i bet they never readed any rage against the machine lyrics..
standing in line
believing the lies
bowing down to the flag
you got a bullet in your head

ofc it's rap/r'n'b/pop

those people NEVER go to a show or buy albums, that's why people don't know lyrics
Seeing there ain't one The Who, pink floyd or Europe song, I guess this list is made by haters or "party people'.
no pink floyd, no the doors, no deep purple... it's a piece of crap, new songs just suck balls
Get skillz or die trying
without your dening
Your name is in neither fame or shame
Don't buy hax, just play the game.

What doesn't kill you
makes you stronger,
but what kills you
doesn't make u pwner.

If u are patient
u are gonna win
if u don't
just search for another scrim.

ET is dead - somebody said
but later this person
for his words started to regret
his soul was connected with a chain to this game
but why he should had said something so lame?

If u are tired of getting killed
by the noob with his panza
it's time for u my friend
to smoke some nice gandja.

A medic is coming
"I will revive you!" - he said
but suddenly a bullet hit his head.
He collepsed on the ground
with a disturbing sound
he knew he was owned again...

I'm a highskilled medic
with a needle out in my hand.
I will make those who doesnt gib to regret!
Let me show you the power of my medic skillz.
It's not me, it's my teammates who get all the killz.

For all you guys, who were born teamplayers.
Nobody of you for his stats really cares.
I admire you fucking alot
For u in a full server, i will quit to free a slot.
So it's you who make this game so complete
It's really you, whom all does really need!

(c) by Mirageous ;D
1. Beyonce Knowles - If I Were A Boy Lyrics
2. Britney Spears - Womanizer Lyrics

Ok I lol'd hard I won't read the other top.
simple as it is, there are only c00l dudes on
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