New mouseee :F

I haz a new mouse, a razer lachesis


can anybody team me any good settings/sens' for this mouse

and also what mousemat it works well with.

image: razer_lachesis
/sensitivity 1.5
team you.. eeeh
/sensitivity 1.6
QcK Steelpad as a mousemat for sure :)

I have the Microsoft HABU myself, excellent mouse.
Steelpad 5L works well with razer mouses and just find what sens is best for you by testing yourself =)
i cba ;D, just wanna see what everybody else is using
Nobody buys this mouse :x , all got razer deathadder instead
/sensitivity 6
/sensitivity 1.2
/sensitivity 1.2
does Anybody replying acctually have this mouse :/ ?
ask overboost
/sensitivity 1.04141
/sensitiviy 0.0
sensitivity 2.66, trust me mate, its what maus, reload and mystic use, you'll be highskill in no time if you just use that sensitivity
/sensitivity 1990
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