U.S Green Card Lottery


if someone is actually dumb enough to fill the form in , they rly belong in the U.S.
half of iraq is already entering XDDD
*fills the form*
fuckers ...Poland as non-eligible country. And we've been cooperating with those filthy burgers all that time.
we? are you polish?
he is not Fatgames-toxic
yah I know, cuz that's ToX, but I thought this "toxic" wasn't polish. Guess Im wrong :)
Maybe I overreacted ...but that's wrong. We were promised to get free entry to U.S
for joining war against IraQ. Now we can't even win green card . F u c k o f f
The more important question would be "Would you WANT to win a green card?"

Anyway, I'm sure then when you fly to the US you will not be deported and sent back right away, so this "free entry" thing they promised actually works. They did not promise that you would get a green card now did they.
anyone can get 6 monhts visitors visa ... I was talking about green card-work permission.
fuck them anyway,never wanted to live in cursed land anyway.
who the fuck wants a green card now, are you still living in the 80
everyone want israeli nationallity these days :~>
should be lottery out of the us amirite?
lol..retard wins teh prize!!
2 years ago i filled this form, they called me back on phone instantly...i was a bit suprised.
I think it's a silly system, but I don't see why only a retard would fill it in. If you actually wanted to live & work in the US, came from an eligible country and didn't have a green card, why not?

It's actually called the Diversity Immigrant Visa system, but everyone calls it the Green Card Lottery

(EDIT: Of course, it's far more advisible to use the official application route rather than one of those agent websites, but the agent websites aren't a total scam)
I lold...
how can you answer on question1 OR question2 with yes/no? :D
they must be..... american
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