Et on Vista b

Hi guys,

I'm pretty sure there have been a lot of similar topics, but for some reason the search function doesn't work on my pc...

Lately I'm considering going vista more;y because it makes your pc works better etc... but will i still be capable to play et on a vista based computer? Will it give any problems? If so how should i tackle them?

thnx in advance
Will fail
It will give problems sometime.

In the beginning i had my vista laptop, all worked great

but after getting updates each month, i had to do the following stuff :

make sure ventrilo.exe and ET.exe are run as Administrator , else you wont be able to talk at vent when playing ET, or vice versa: when ur only playing ET without ventrilo, you will get kicked by PB for some access shit :)

I have my vista pc about 7 months now or so, and all works great :)
its working fine @ my vista laptop ;d
i dont got problems with it
works fine
"Lately I'm considering going vista more;y because it makes your pc works better "

Where did you read that ?
a friend of mine is working at alternate (some pc shop) he told me a few things about it.
I dont know much about vista but I doubt that vista would be faster than an xp. Vista eats a lot of memory by default.
Works fine with Vista 64.
works fine with vista ultimate 64bit
also fine on the ultimate epic 128bit silver edition VISTA
turn off uac, if dual core set affinity to 1 cpu blabla
no problems playin et on vista!
it does not make your pc work better
junkie still playing undercover ?! :o

i miss ur sexy voice :(
It works fine for me.
There are just 2 small things which are not welcome.. but still not that big problem.

1. you can not switch the server once you are in game. (not that big problem to ./quit and connect to the other server)
2. you can not press lalt+enter to minimize the ET screen because your game will crash.

As i said, ET isn't really a problem on Vista OS.
well only had problem that cant miminize
but there is one for vista :d

so no problems :<
just install and play
runs fine
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