PS3 must haves

Hi guys,

I just got myself a PS3 and I was wondering which games are must-haves ;)

grand treft auto 4?
GTA 4 others are nothing special
assassins creed? gears of war? gta4? :o dunno dont got a ps3
Little Big Planet
Go sell your PS3 and buy a game gear
I own an ex boks 360 so quite the same games and those are a MUST HAVE :

CoD4 (CoD5 Incoming, BUY IT)
Assassin's Creed
Guitar hero 3 is fun for a little while
GTA IV (Absolutly must have)
assasins creed

Best console ever. None of this new shit like PS3/Xbox 360 are cool enough :{{{{{{{
Little Big Planet
MGS4 !!
Assassin's Creed
metal gear solid 4... cant wait for mgs5 to be made :|
metal gear solid 4 , gta 4 . MGS is better than gta4 in my opinion .
Saints Row 2, far better than GTA 4
Dead Space
Uncharted: Drakes fortune
Little Big Planet

Assasin's creed sucks too repetitive
Gta4 sucks exact same as other GTA's got bored after 30 mins
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