Tomorrow I... :~>

ill have a busy day !!!
gonna do those things right on the morning:
get up
brush teeths
make me brakefast-lots of eggs and salad and cheeze and bread and more
then, going to re-arrange my computer, so it wont be on my table - more space
going to call to the pc store to check what about my deathadder - DEDEDER
gonna call to pc store to check what about my pad - everglide monstermat
going to call to provider to check about my optic fibers internet :DDD
fastest jew on Earth
then host my best friend at my house for some serious talking :o

image: swedish_girls

nice song -
listen till the end :<
i dedicate this song for "sToWnaGe"
best SE ever, may the god bless you with other SE chicks :~>
host me at your house?
sure, lots of food :~D
@Gamble • ‹‹‹ nwi`TheoDor, you have 73% a chance of having sex with Snorfiets. - (5 seconds till next question) ›››
amazing, tomorrow probably i start play in PES09 @ x360, very busy day 8D
they are hot indeed :) a have a thing for scandinavia.
tomorrow I.... work... like I did today... From 7:00 am to 5:00 pm... =/ hard day...tomorrow, on Friday and on Saturday will even be harder... Anyway I wish you nice tomorrow.. =)))
pic stealer ! :DDD
hf @ you busy day, just remind that 2 days left till weekend :>
i put a different picture, then i google more and saw the same picture you gave me
since its from google i didnt stole it ;D
oh you ego! thought you write something nice to me :<
check for edit more 1 minute :<
Wake up
Have sex
Seminar in Entrepreneurship, part 1
Break (have sex)
Seminar in Entrepreneurship, part 2
Work out
Have sex
Have sex
Watch movie (porn, have sex)
i think u forget to have sex!
How hard is it to realize that teeth is plural already.
lets see you writing shitload of stuff in hebrew mr.i-know-every-thing-about-nothing !
Let me see you write shitloads in German then. I wouldn't mind taking that competition.
ich bin pro !

i dont understand why you expect me to write "perfect" english
its not my mother languege or something i care about
or invest energy to write/speak it perfect in my journals :d
Neither is it mine, nor does it take me loads of energy not to make me look like a total twat.
but why would i care ffs
aslong as i wrote perfect hebrew, and can talk very well english and write very well when i want
why would i care

beside there is a difference between look like a twat and being a twat
figure it out !
And getting all excited over creating a smiley on the interbutts is like the pinnacle of being a twat.
atlist i invented something 8DDD
sure :~>
nice browsing my old jounrals
i admire !
I love to browse old replies of my favourite jew!
gr8 delete sol, deserved and so on
he have his reasons
aka bad day liek ~350 other times a year
/q nwi`theodor and i will explain :d
In my opinion, you don't have a busy day? You just have to make 3 calls, and do some other shit that everybody does (eat, brush your teeth, ...)
yea i know 8D
but in slow motion ;D
sAm = = = = = gay
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