snuss users

share your habits, opinions about it.
do you like flavoured stuff?
i feel addicted. does your gum used to it and such
+ tell me prices
never tried, dont know any who have
Snuss sucks. Really either do something else like waterpipe or just go straight to weed.
i do pipe regulary weeds sometimes. but i stick with salvia and stuff :]

snuss is awesome during classes at school :D
Ever decided to smoke salvia and ganja together? If not try it soon, you will enjoy it (well or you feel like crap xD) it's an awesome experience.
did actuually throwed up in 10 mins :D
xD hahah man that sucks. But yeah you're right that must be awesome for in class.
it is. little dizziness during class.. it can improve the boring literature classes. teacher havent noticed the bump on my mouth yet :DD
I remember when I used to make hash brownies and eat little portions before some boring classes. Haha it's awesome sitting there on an indica (male weed, so that gets you stoned so really lazy) in class.

Never smoked a sativa for school, idk why not in the mood for a body high I guess.
why would u want to do that :/
The same reason I like to mix shrooms and ganja. It rocks.
thats completely diffent i think tbh :{
And you live in amsterdam nubcake? Find yourself a very strong strain and you'll have a psychoactive experience as well.

Weed is awesome to mix with. :(
i took mushrooms 7x times :P and i always smook some weed then:P but i dont think it has much effect when combined with salvia (not sure took salvia 2x but didnt really work)
Well normally I roll with tobacco and weed or just weed alone. But then I did half salvia half weed + some wormwood (absintalsem). 'Twas a pretty good combination.

How is Amsterdam actually? I always portray it as THE place to be :D.
well im kinda into real house/techno atm i party thurdays/friday/saterday + afterparty sometime in underground locations till u drop down:P + amsterdam is very beautifull, i feel quite safe and people are really openminded and friendly. so i kinda like it :)

u rolled a joint with salvia???
Nice. I'm more for Goa/psychedelic/darkpsy and some others. Mostly Reggae though, spread the love man! Yeah, I can believe that must be awesome living around openminded people. Everybody is so shallow and narrowminded down here. Thehe, as long as you don't OD on MDMA it's all good with partying till you drop :).
ye kinda same were im from.hehe u gotta take alot mdma to get an od i think:P i got busted with mdma this saterday :<
Well depends if you got pure MDMA it's good but if you got some MDxx cut with some shit you're basically screwed (I once got a mdxx cut with some amphetamines :D was wicked but after that I decided to stop doing that and go fully on the ganja, I love mi herb)
mmmmm i use both :D (altough i dont do alot xtc/mdma) and i got some pure mdma for free on a party but i lost that aswell :< on the same day!!
Ouch that's hard. Must've sucked, finally getting your hands on some pure mdma then you lose it xD. Nowadays I just smoke a bowl or enjoy a waterpipe/hookah with a few of my mates usually with hash.

What I always wondered if I dropped some acid blotters in the water in my waterpipe or bong and then start puffing, what would happen. Wicked sick combo or nothing :x.
dunno really dont have a clue:P well its not really a problem to get mdma here. I always (and still) just smoke weed but not with a waterpipe, i prefer the join/l/tulp/stopzuiger/bigstick/cone/blunt
Joint/blunt/bong/waterpipe/hookah/vaporizer/hot knives/ other

Mostlly bong. I'm gonna go smoke one now and go to bed, kind of tired and have to get up at 8 :\. G'night, was a nice bit of talking :).
ye ofc :P u should try ze bucket u can easily inhale 1 joint
thats the only thing snus is good for
i used to take it at school. Prefered onyx and those peppermint flavours. My friends who are still doing it, use only lös, but imo thats just disgusting and gay. portion ftw
but anyway why put tobaco in your mouth when you can smoke it together with some nice weed?
Haha! Disgusting and gay! In Sweden we make fun of the ones using the portions as gay, girls snus! ;)
iam not such a tough Sweden guy like you lol ;)
i heard swedes cant drink :D
I'm pretty cool I must admit! ;)
Regarding Swedes drinking I can't really answer, I don't drink anymore.
However, the swedish mentality towards alcohol is to drink till you drop, so perhaps if you mean that I agree. Swedes can't drink.
what is this? :P
ah ok I know. took it couple of times but I personally think it sux balls. I tried "medic" or smth like that
tobacco to put under ya lip :D
ah, I thought it is tobacco which u inhale to ur nose. never tried that version (lip)
quite regularly, stark and n&j preferred
I like lös more but since I use it mostly in school I'm stuck with portions :l
they're just a crap,i pref reg cigarette. got about 5 packages left from last time.
from last time u smoked? :D
yeah its like so cool when you can poke your eyes from your mouth
Children, snus rocks!

image: ettan_los_medium

PS: Eddo loves snus!
sometimes when i haz it
Snus is awesome.. but on two of my tooth I've lost almost 5mm of my gum :<

image: gbg_rape_medium
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