FTP Questions

- I have a ftp login with FlashFXP - but i forget the link for the http page itself, can i figure it out somehow using the ftp login ip ?

- Our server got crashed, how can i get it back online, (i have rcon)
restart server? :/
Use filezilla and login the ftp with the ip:port?
i can't login :<

page is not loading http://h-4life.com/lazio/Killerboy/
Quote- Our server got crashed, how can i get it back online, (i have rcon)

blame old cb configs :)
the ftp ip points to the server running your et server i guess, which prolly isnt same server as the webby is on :p you could try all the different combos of the last ip number :p
you cant restart it with rcon when it got crashed... webinterface needed
Having troubles are we, Aleks.
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