Windows 7 Demo Videos

Any leaks?
there is acctually :P found several posts on warez ;P
Microsoft Windows 7 32Bit Build 6801 DVD-WinBeta
Allready installing it on virtual box.
any info when it will be released?
beta is already on trackers afaik, for sure won't dl that shit even if it will be 100x better than Vista
nothing wrong with XP, i just don't like that "cool" additions and visual stuff in Vista. Ok maybe it is/will be better for some applications in future but till then i won't even take a look on them on my PC for sure :P
windows 7 will be much faster than XP
1. It's faster. MUCH faster.
2. It's cleaner. The UI has been cleaned up a lot.
3. It's easier to use. A lot of the functionality is more streamlined
4. It's richer. The ribbon seen in Office becomes part of the OS allowing app developers to have a standardized way of taking their apps to the next generation UI (I love the ribbon).
5. The UAC is...a little bit better. I still think Microsoft should have a setting to allow signed applications to be always okay'd by users if they want.
6. It apparently has a new Start menu and taskbar.
7. The included applets are modernized
8. It may come with native VHD (virtual hard disks) support
9. Better system tray handling
1. ofc it will be, 7 years is a huge time gap :D
2. we will see : P
3. totally depends on every user, i just don't like that fancy navibars
4. ribbon is really nice thing (+1 for that) but still i hope it will be "richer" in a positive way and not with some useless stuff
6. was the same with Vista, oh that fancy lookouts and shiny things which i really don't like

rest is somehow ok! Btw don't get me wrong there, am not trying to say that this thing will totally suck out but from my point i don't need anything mentioned there (at least for some time)
well, since vista project failed, you are staying with an old and not dated windows, i doub windows 7 will be THAT expensive :P
totally agree on that point about up to dates and stuff but dunno i am pretty used to that OS
oh well, u can always wait for the upcoming new-world windows azure :P
thanks, will take a look
tbh i like Windows Azure name more :D (portuguese)

(its a new web based OS) :)

image: logo_windows_azure
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