such a beatiful...!!

Hey there crossfire gaming community!

Finally i found a seat and got to relax at least for 10 minutes.
I m up since 7. I ve sold my car today... finally :DD
its a 17 years old Mazda but i sold if for at least 650 euros.
Pahh i feel so much better now that this is finally done.

I ve had some stress when unregistering the car because i had to unregister and sell the car to some nongermanspeaking Pakistani at the same time.
I was used to be a translator between the insurance and him because he couldnt even write his name in latin letters :DD

after some time i finally got my money, handed him out everything and left him alone with his problems :D
now i m back at university waiting for my next presentation starting in 13 minutes.

Actually i still enjoyed the day sofar although it was pritty stressed but the weather here in Vienna is totally nice...
Sun is shining that hot that i instantly needed to take off my black jacket :P

After Uni i think i gotta have some nice dinner with my gf and then the day will be over hopefully!

How was ur day sofar and how s ur mood today? :)

Finally i just can bid u a nice day and cu online in the evening again!
pressing F5 on xfire 24/7
whoop-tee-doo, great day indeed. Going to the doctor for a SOA test in 2 hours
taking down stratholme with lvl 56 undead firemage in WOW
Woke up too early, but after 2 hours @ the gym and a firdge full of beer I feel alot better =)
I'm ready for the weekend! :D:D
It suddenly started snowing here! And I need to walk to the bus station.
just woke up :D
[ger]du bist auch bestimmt arbeitslos [ger]
mh nö,ich hab ferien ;) 13. klasse np!
Saw some fat guy shitting in the bushes and so my day was fulfilled.
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