Let's Go out

What are you doing tonight guys?,, :)
Im gonna go too the cafe drinking beeeeeeer<3
going to party @ Zatox tonight.
party i guess
gonna fill U|K server
going to play ET and than wow and look for a new mouse
gonna play online pokerz and get high with my housemate :XD
drink drink and then party but i dont know which one...

option 1: it will be good (as its always)
option 2: might be fuckin awesome or fuckin bad...

dunno what to choose :s
I just came back from lil warmup :-D
now im wondoring if I should go for more or just stay and chillout with friend :D
Nothing, work tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. My whole week is booked full!
gonna get some students at my flat -_-
nothing special today will be out tomorrow
going out into 5 degrees and drink some redwine+cola and smoke some joints
haha kdacht eerst ook te gaan :D
ma kga naart jeugdhuis ;<
is r iemand van ullie naar mol in leuven geweest?
of wie zat er op kot in leuve?
spiroze en jere mss?
ik studeer in antwerpen dus :)
going home for teh weekend soon!! fuck university HELL YEAH
dunno yet fucking halloween partys sucks
Dude, you should try the Joss Stone halloween outfit! I just put it on and everyone who saw me immediately ran away and started crying because they thought they where dealing with the real one. Scary shit man, fuck.
im gonna hurt u soon :X
i would prefer to go as german atleast they would let me enter in every club i want since usually people with dark hair arent welcome in yerman clubs :O)
Going to meet some friends. They force me to drink beer :-( And i dont want to max 1-2 bottle
gonna play ET and then play wow and maybe watch some anime!
alone drinking bottle of wine
gunna try get wasted on 20quid :x
nothing but playing tonight
Spam on crossfire.
playing poker but you've got no money hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!
getting stoned I guess, again...
snif mercury
special day today? or i have missed something? :|
:D:D Don't worry i lost 150$ on some donk who pushed all in with his gut shot straight draw that was funny, and ofc he hits ;<<
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