Freezing demo

Is there a command in which case it freezes demo and by freeze i mean it will totally freeze so any guys on the demo wouldn't move, i once had a thing like this but i can't say it was a command or cpu lag though i think it might have been the last one.
And dont come with: "try timescale 0" talk.
belong to forums..
cl_freezedemo 1
ok that's correct but how can i fix that if i return to freezedemo 0 then it will continue where i pressed it not as i actually all the time continued demo showing : (
timescale 0
0.0000000000000000000000001 coz just 0 = 1
try timescale 0
Just make a photo of your screen. lolololololololololololololoolololololol
thx, i'll go now and do it. thx for ur extremely stuuuuupid advice.
/timescale 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001
cl_freezedemo 1 ; timescale 0

and then cl_freezedemo 0; timescale 1
doesn't work but imo timescale 0 = 1 so i'll try 0.00000000000000000000000000000001
and now that worked, thx!
cl_freezedemo has to work.. timescale 0 is just because the demo is not moving but after you type cl_freezedemo 0 the demo time will change alot...
je freezedemo works but with timescale 0 it will resume far ahead where i don't want it to go but with timescale 0.00000000000000...1 it will resume about the same spot when i resume from demofreeze.
thats what i tried to say xD
je but just 0 is not enough : ( it has to be 0.00....1 that's what i said ! <3 i'm afraid to take shower, i think i might miss my 666th visitor : ( serious business : )
LOl :D evil! going to watch ghost whisperer new episode brb!
u sucks
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