xp theme failure

after a windows update...my current theme (area o4.2 by heylove) is not working anymore :S and i reinstalling it failed also :(
image: MyDesktop

my windows now looks like the classic windows theme.. grey and boring.

- does anyone experienced the same problem and came up with a solution?
- does anyone know a similar theme for me to use instead?

thanks in advance
give me the link to area o4.2 please :)
give me the link to the Icon pack pls <3
yah but thx anyway <3

is there a way to add them automatically ?
i could not find it. i added them manually one by one ^^ good luck
ask mama
maybe try that allowtheme thing(forgotname)? it can be disabled therefore it blocks the theme
ye i had that already...but i think windows updated to sp3... at least that is what my system sais...and that patcher is not compatible with sp3

oke now i fucked up:
i downloaded the patcher for sp3...ran it...my computer restarted and now it cant open windows any more :S
WTF help :P
lol, need to add to achievments that I fucked up your windows :DDDD
try using stylexp to apply your themes
what did you use to apply the theme in the first place?

ux has released newer version with sp3 support.
It's because you've updated to SP3 when the UXTheme patch is active, you MUST unpatch, reboot, then install SP3. I had to reinstall Windows when this happened last.

Linux <3
i now used a new patch that should work for sp3, but on reboot, i got this error:
"onherstelbare systeemfout" (unrecoverable system error) ...
im no pro in computers...but this does not look good. do you know what to do? i am now on the internet in Safe Mode, that seems to be the only thing that works.
maybe reinstall windows? do i have to make backups before that?
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