80kB/s for sure.... [GER included]

Torrents suck

Seeds: zu 45 aus 302 verbunden (395 verfügbar)
Peers: zu 170 aus 1702 verbunden (1725 verfügbar)

Downloadrate: ... (im Durchschnitt 80kB/s)

=> WTF? uTorrent
less torrentz.com, more private trackers
well there are some peers and seeds it just that its fucking slow.
I dont even know how to get into private trackers :/

torrentz.com been sufficient tho..
you need an invite from another user too get into private trackers.
then i'd call torrentbytes public :D but it's damn nice
Don't whine about torrents bish
too many leechers
don't expect fast downloads with torrents!

And don't blame uTorrent it's one of the better torrent apps!

I get >500kb/s on all my torrents, but maybe that's because they're from 100/100 / private sites {:
private trackers are ok, but thats because u are forced to upload otherwise you can't download from them.

alot of people downlaoding from public trackers have capped their upload speed at 5 kb/s or smth and stop seeding when they are done downloading.
forced? have you not heard of ratiomaster etc.? :D
ratiomaster doesn't always work, and some trackers are already detecting it or smth because some of my DL's stopped working a few days ago :P
I've not had a problem using it for >1 year now :(
greedy torrent always works
I dont download from private torrent sites and all I download has a 1.2mb/s speed ...
1.2 mb/s aint fast, and with torrent you can't expect high download speeds since it depends on the seeders upload speeds
well first of all it's better than the 80kb/s he is talking about and second if i would have faster internet the download would go faster aswell. Yes it depends on the seeders upload but most of the current torrents have enough of them.
why would u need faster than that? even with my 200kb/s I get a movie in about hour, 16 movies while I sleep and go to school. fuck yeah, like u have time to watch all of them even as it is now.
yep,1.2mbps is quite slow...please, give me a break
when I had 100Mbit I could Dl in 7-8 Mbyte/s with torrents. all depends on trackers.
nothing wrong with torrents.
www.what.cd is epic :) And we can freeleech till Sunday \o/
Freeleech on new uploads for 6 hours is really DIFFERENT than a site-wide freeleech.
Ye but they freeleech alot, this time is only new uploads but thats enough for me :p
what's wrong?
rapidshare ;)
torrents are nice if you leave your pc on at night
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