All men are the same (?!)

Had an argument with my (ex/whatever) girlfriend on this topic.

all women are the same!
specify it^^
very true
wow what a shit argument that must have been
Better say : All mainstream gays are the same ..... The individual man/woman is not like every other one .
She ment it the way, all men just want sex

I have so many examples where the same applys for women ...
If you look at it in a way of survival of the fittest then the same goes for women. All they want is to find the right man...and what for? To live together with and have a family (probably) , and thus coming back on finding the right man to get a baby from e.g have sex with.
no they just want to be UNDERSTOOD
and the one thing they want, they make impossible, sometimes..
In that case, all women are the same too.
I'd say: Well, babe, so it is up to me to show you they are not!
Just think of something deepminded or funny. Your girlfriend will immediately get together with you again. Good luck to you young padawan experiencing the most difficult assignments a man gets, though.
I dont want to get together with her again (imo)
I am too opportunistic at the moment for a relationship. It just wanted to tell you how I got on this statement ;)
Aight. I thought you needed to have a buddy-buddy talk. Whatever there are enough girls for everyone. I also prefer having several instead of one. It is just a lifestyle...
True. I just felt like defending myself after what she said. I am sure she didnt think alot about that :D
Yea, girls are often like that, but just do not argue with them. When they are once up to something they are also sticking to it. Just try to get out of it as quickly as possible. To be honest if she talks to you like that and is pissed off, she surely is not the right person for you.
I know that ;-) thats why we broke off. We still like each other but nothing more ;)
"all polaks are the same" does it for me..

dunno about normal people though..
i see tea bag 8D
tea bagging is lifting your sack on and off someones face as you would when making tea with a real teabag, your balls on there own however wouldnt be called your teabags.. I hate to tells ya!
hi mr unhittable
im not unhittable :>
you do :0 ?
aw man ...

this is such a lovely tranny <33333

thanks for this pic .. i love her!!!!!!!
gimmeh more of her!!!!
was a decent pic till I saw the legs, I swear I'm gonna have nightmares o.0
strange question. yeah, i know lot of people who only wanna fuck and never know what a girl feels... and i know lot of girl who do the same about boys. i would say humans are the same. there are excepts ofc. like me. its not a joke, i always wanted to be someone who has no sense of guilt, but i always feel it when i do something wrong.
we are animals with big brain !
True ... according to human instinct, you do everything to attract the other gender. especially men.^^
and women don't? oO
lol you look exactly like ziff :DDD
OMG wth is that between her/him legs?!

ah ALPTRAUM !!!!!!!
shut the fuck up
defination of man:
like football
like womans
want womans
like everything in womans
want to do stuff to womans
want womans to do stuff to u
hate trevize
& most important cant do multiple stuffs
It is useless to argue with women, they have different views about how it should go. Men = facts, women = how does it feel.

So just say you are sorry, you´re fault, blame the other guy.
what the fuck is she doing out of the kitchen long enough to make such an absurd statement
maybe they were at the kitchen discussing
No^^ in the living room but good answer :D
image: battleship-sm

Battleship. The All-American game, fun for the whole family. Two at a time, at least. And, apparently, for the menfolk only. Those silly gals, they don't need to play War. They should stay in the kitchen where they belong.

Battleship was always such a simple game. Red vs. Blue (Commies vs. America?), back from the days when warfare consisted of blindly lobbing shells at each other, hoping they'd hit something by chance. This box, from 1967, is itself an instruction manual, showing you exactly how the game should be enjoyed. Put on your best vest, stick the women in the kitchen, and relax in your wood-paneled dining room for a night of fun. It's okay if your son beats the pants off of you; you both know who's really the boss.

Father seems to be the perfect representation of 60's patriarchal values. All that's missing is the pipe; I'm genuinely surprised he doesn't have one. After the game perhaps, when he's settled in with his brandy watching Ed Sullivan. He also seems to have raided Little Billy's model ship collection. That game piece he's holding sure didn't come out of this box.

Little Billy is his father's pride and joy. Not only is he the other man of the house, he's also a smashing good Battleship player. Those war skills will come in mighty handy one day, when little Billy signs up to fight the Reds. On closer inspection, though, there's something about those too-pink lips and those slender fingers that suggests Billy might not be headed for the Service. He might have more of a future in ballet, or perhaps as a hairdresser.

Little Sally is somewhat nondescript. But at least she seems to have taken her day's supply of uppers; she's dancing right there in the kitchen!

Mother has that typical empty gaze of the 60's housewife. She knows her place, and she's perfectly happy to stay in the kitchen while the boys are out having fun. After all, she has her little secret. She knows that she puts a little paint thinner in his brandy every night. Not enough to kill him, oh no. Just enough to send him to bed a little early, and give him a rocking headache in the morning. And after he's out, that's when Fernando comes to take her to the Coco Bongo Club. Fernando would never make her wash dishes.

Oh yes, she knows her place all right.
you, sir, are a natural poet! (I don't know how many times I've said this to you this year...)

I'll call her to tell her that :D
either you and your ex are both ridiculous people arguing over something absurd or this whole thing never took place and you never had any argument with your imaginary ex

am not sure which i would prefer if i were you
I was in her house to check something with her notebook.

I was in a bad mood and she just said for fun "All men are the same", I felt attacked and thats how things startet.
sag ihr ja, aber die wenigsten verstehen was sie wirklich sind :D
Ich hab gesagt wenn sie sagt alle männer seien gleich dann soll sie auch so konsequent sein und lesbisch werden und nich irgendwelchen kerlen hinterher rennen von denen sie hinterher sagt sie arschlöcher :)

I said, if she says all men are the same, she should be consistent enough to become lesbian. And stop running after any guys which are later said to be assholes
:D konsequent
Und was genau ist jetzt daran lustig? :|
hmm ... ansichtssache
My answer is no. Even the question is really dumb.
It is no question actually ... it is a childish statement of a wnb frustrated women who think she knows how things work.

And this fits for 95% of all women ... and the very rest are prostitutes.
"it is a childish statement of a wnb frustrated women who think she knows how things work"

Thats what i said while quiting the house.
>A store that sells new husbands has just opened in Manchester, where a >woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is >a description of how the store operates: You may visit this store ONLY >ONCE! There are six floors and the value of the products increase as the >shopper ascends the flights. The shopper may choose any item from a >particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot >go back down except to exit the building! So, a woman goes to the Husband >Store to find a husband.
>On the first floor the sign on the door reads:
>Floor 1 - These men Have Jobs.
>She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign reads:
>Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.
>"That's nice", she thinks, "but I want more." So she continues upward. The >third floor sign reads:
>Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking.
>"Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going. She goes to the >fourth floor and the sign reads:
>Floor 4 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and >Help With Housework.
>"Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!" Still, she goes to >the fifth floor and the sign reads:
>Floor 5 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, Help with >Housework, and Have a Strong Romantic Streak.
>She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor, where the sign >reads:
>Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on >this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to >please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.
>PLEASE NOTE: To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opened a New >Wives store just across the street.
>The first floor has wives that love sex.
>The second floor has wives that love sex and have money.
>The third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors have never been visited.

I think you will find men AND women are all the same deep down :DDDD
:D :D :D so true^^
nice :D but imo for the Wives store there doesn't even need to be a second floor, I know I'd be happy with the first floor xD
All men are the same -> love one women, fuck another

typical female proposition
well it ain't our fault, we are what we are -_-
you cant generalize your gay opinion.. seriously..
check your profile photo then call someone gay ^^
it was in lloret, youre allowed to look gay there :D and btw, wearing a muscle shirt had its benefits there^^
gtfo random
i prefer to be random lol :D
you have no other choice
well sometimes i cant sleep because i know im random in the inets :(
image: Al_Bundy
this guy, is the pure any men can be !
No, men are not all the same (luckily).
well as far as i know from my own experience, and from my friends/girslfriends, all girls women says that men are all the same, and all men says that are women are the same ;]
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