radio 1 live lounge. volume 3 .

do youreself a favour and download this album. or buy it. and if you havnt heard the other 2, get them too, just great fucking stuff.

(its cover versions of famous songs by popular artists, not neccaserily sang by them,but fucking talented stuff as its all live performances)
you listen to any of it yet ronner?
not yet, will let you know in a couple minutes
its kinda weird, cos 99% of the artists sing covers of songs you never normally associate with them. not everyones cup of tea, but i cant get enough :) the streets cover on disc 1 is so good,and check out the first song on disc 2, but theres like 10 songs per disc that i just listen to daily lol.
some great performances there indeed. One acoustic performance that I love as well -> . I don't like the original of that, but the acoustic version is great.
i always liked creep! :D its just nice to see real talent that can play instruments and sing live these days. get the other 2 albums mate, theyre all superb and well, always on in my car hehe :P
yah so true. The cover of eminem's lose yourself is idd really great. It's quite hard to take someone else's song and not copy them but make the song your own.

But it's also rare to find truly gifted singers. There are tons of high profile artists that just bite the biscuit when they have to do it live. But then there are a rare few that just have such absolute control over their voices that's it's simply impossible not to watch them in awe.

One of such performances is Katherine McPhee on American Idol (yah yah I know, commercial crap blah but that's not the point). She did one of the most amazing performances I've seen on that show. It may not be your cup of tea, but what she did in this ( ) performance is absolutely so fucking incredible. Mind the things that make this hard. 1. She has to start by herself without music and thus has to take a pitch without anything to refer to. 2. When the music comes in, she has to start together with the music so if she is off in pitch on that moment you would hear it right away and 3. She's sitting down on the ground the entire song which makes controlling your breath, which ofcourse is very important in singing, much harder.

Truly one gifted woman. Don't like her music much but damnit she has talent.
i hate the whole american idol, popstar factory hit, but i got to agree man, she really does nail that shit in that clip, theres so much true talent out there , but sadly record companies seem to put them down for some reason, just to make a bit of fast cash, instead of looking at the long term and the millions they could make off a new (bad anagolgy) robbie williams or similar. thats why i like the whole live lounge stuff. its not just well known artists, but up and comers too, that are given the same chance as everyone else. the foo fighters version of times like these, on the first album of radio 1 live longe is just breathtaking, but then they get overshaddowed by a virtual unkown like jack penate for just musical skill, is just brilliant and thats why i like it so much. glad you liked it anyway mate :)
Hell yah I like it. I love acoustic and live versions that are performed great or performed by other artists than the original songwriter and make something entirely different out of it. I simply love it for the reason that you know you are listening to true talent instead of something that was cut together from 10 different takes in the studio ;-)
Radiohead is my work music, I'd go for My Iron Lung as first choice, but Creep is awesome too. That acoustic version is great!
Good stuff!
shes a total fox man. soooooo agreed :D
Edit: too weird :p

Just an amazing woman :O)
its a package deal mate, and im signing up :P
dizzie rascal always suprises me! lol. and even girls allowed were good :<
have a few songs listed there, might download the album:>
In a similar theme, one performance I really liked was The Killers doing Romeo & Juliet (originally by Dire Straits) on Live From Abbey Road a couple of years back.

If you search for "Live From Abbey Road" on YouTube you can find a load of good songs by heaps of artists, both twists on their own songs and covers. EDIT: Dammit, I can't listen to that without getting sucked into listening to Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing.
dont think its anywhere near the lvl of the original tbh
Yeah, but Dire Straits were just awesome so it's hard to better them, and it's the first thing from Live From Abbey Road that came to mind. There were heaps of great songs (although mostly just new versions of songs by the artists) on that show.
iv got al albums :} i dont think ther amazing tbh but i like the element of suprise of whos singing what song :D few god tracks on there =]
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