Punkbuster again

Wattefak have they done now, I keep going 999 every 10 seconds for like a half of a second, get fucking rid of this shit program seriously -_-
I never had it before :\
dont get it
in all the years i have et
never had 1 problem with this game
you guys going something wrong ! :O
O/S: vista ultimate sp1 64bit > * :~>

If u have a O/S 32 bit, PB will make u lag, the problem gets resolved by a 64bit o/s pack
"in all the years"
what do you think i had before vista, which i got for how much? 2 weeks 8D?
xp 32bit sp2

you guys doing something wrong !
its ur shit pc :P
pb has never lagged me.
pb doesnt like you
noone likes you
go commit suicide
trust me
today i had 20 sec drops from 71 fps to 30 :U
pb has never lagged me.
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