new digicam

me wants to buy a new digicam. should be priced from 100-150 euro. mustn't be a professional one, just a camera to always have handy, for snapshots, partyshots and stuff.

Had these two:
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Canon Digital IXUS 80 IS (135e)

image: 41DpHrQFLPL._SL500_AA240_
Sony Cybershot DSC-W120 (134e)

in my mind.

Any suggestions?
i heard rumors that the sony cams break alot

edit: cellphones with 5 megapixel camera > cameras in your case

edit2: ask panda
cellphone with 5 mp and decent quality -> 3-5x the price
canon wont let u down
my sister and my girlfriend both have that sony and it's great.

hasn't done weird shit and is still working...
with canon you can.
NEVER EVER BUY A SONY CAMERA! they force you to use sony's own memory cards that cost like 30€ for a 2gb when you can get a good 2gb card for 7€
Ixus series are superb from what I've heard..
Sony = :'(
I dunno, they may make good cameras, but Sony just = :'(
Casio Exilim's are pretty decent. Got a 5mp Exilim and it has a med+ qualy. +Its cheap²
Canon Digital IXUS 80 IS (135e)
take one from ixus series, if u have more money go for the ixus 9 serie !
for those who are interested, I bought the ixus and I'm impressed by the quality, the looks and the images.
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