

Since my old mx518 suddenly decided to fuck up and give me that wire /connect/disconnect problem i ordered my a new one.. and it just got delivered. Well anyway, i was just wondering if there was a way to prevent the cable issue from happening again..

It's not as if i was slamming my old mouse on the desk or anything.. it might have been some mouse flicking etc, but gaming mice are supposed to be able to deal with quick movements.. So i guess it was something to do with the wire hanging down behind my desk.. maybe getting caught on the edge.

Would putting a bit of tape over the mouse cable (on my desk) do the job, or are there other ways around it?


tl;dr : New Mx518, how to prevent the cable conenct/disconnect issue?
My brother had the connect/disconnect thing, he gave me his mx518 because he thought it was broken, I use it now and it hasn't ever done it to me :~>
Get rid of your shit mouse and buy something that isn't a toy.

Go Razer Deathadder
your comment is in a conflict with itself.
Mx518 user I guess :DDDD
if thats in other words superior player compared to you, then yeah!
He's french.
Get rid of your shit mouse and buy something that isn't a toy.

Go ms IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0(/IMO 1.1/WMO 1.1 hi urtier :] )

you can also try to repair the cable :)
Sweex MI002!!!!
Are you sure the mouse is broke like did you connect it to another PC and it did the same ? Or did you connect any other mouse to the same USB port on your PC to see if it was broke or not
My brother had a similar problem but i just reinstalled (after i completly removed the drivers ofc and reboot) the mouse and tried to connect it to some other USB port and it was fixed
No no no...

I got a NEW mouse today.. im just looking for something to prevent the same thing from happening with this one. :)
I think tape will do it. Just leave enough loose wire
I can always rely on Niko to read properly :P Think i will just go with the tape then.
Not sure that u should rely on me.. Allready forgot what i read.. :P
Slept like 5h cos i had to go to blood tests.. :|
Go buy a wireless mouse NICEONESOLUTION!
;D It's still the best picture out there!
with one of the cartoon-figures out there!

I always smile when I see it :)D

and I still lol when I see that school-foto-pedobear-thing in your profile

your images are epic :)D
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