

answer like this:

I would vote for:
I think winner will be:
I would vote for:Obama
I think winner will be:Obama
The point is WHY would you vote for: - that's the question.
Because it looks like: _
I would vote for: DeSanchezzz
I think winner will be: Obama

I would vote for: Obama
I think winner will be: McCain
Betfair gave 12.8 odds for McCain yesterday, quite nice.

I still don´t believe that they could elect a black guy there. They prolly rig the votes or smth.

Or find an article from constitution which says "A nigger can´t become the president!"
I fear the same, though on the electors side I think that the fact that he"s black gave him a lot more media attention and actually was in his benefit.
Heh yeah. Have you seen those clips about Harlem-voters, supporting McCains ideas because they were told "Obama says that..." and claiming that "Doesn´t matter that he is black, I like his ideas and thoughts".
Haven't, there will always be haters ( and especially in the usa ) but I've never seen such a hyped presidential election ( ok perhaps I'm too young but still )
Nothing to do with youth - this election has had, by a huge margin, the most media coverage of any election ever. It's also the most expensive election anywhere, ever.
Next election will cost even more, and so on. It's a vicious circle.
I'm not sure - I think a combination of a lot of socially relevant issues (economy, war and environment) being in the foreground, highly negative ratings of the current president and the fact that we've seen two women and a (half) black man all in with a chance at president / VP have given this election more public attention than we'll likely see for a decade or two at least.
I think winner will be : Obama
wasn't there a poll on this already? ...
vote: McCain
winner by votes: Obama
winner by corruption: McCain
u cant possibly vote vor McCain.. If his running mate (Palin) ever makes it to president she will prolly reintroduce slavery.


Palin is a running mate for the votes, not for actually doing anything when McCain get's president..
And when McCain drops dead half way through his term, who exactly do you think gets his job?

/edit: he wont die. he wont!
Lol, bush
I would vote for:Obama
I think winner will be:Obama
Obama 2x
I would vote for: Schwarzenegger!
I think winner will be: Obama
U never know how many votes will disapear so it will be anyones game..
Obama, easily, to both. I feel as a non-American I should really prefer McCain, as his trade policies are less protectionist, but all his other policies suck so I'd still vote for Obama.
I would vote for:Obama
I think winner will be:Obama
I would vote for: McCain
I think winner will be: McCain

and now you can flame me ;>
All the polls are saying McCain has basically no chance. In order for him to win, there would have to be large systematic errors in the polls. Not impossible, certainly, but I actually think that it's more likely that any systematic errors in polls are induced by flawed likely voter models and, thus, actually have a McCain bias already.
we had exactly the same situation in Poland before our president elections, and candidate with better polls even 1 day before voting ( something like 6% ) lose it so polls are not 100% sure ;) what is more consider the fact that obama is black , im sure that a large part of the whole number of that people who in polls said that they would vote for obama will vote for McCain... you can call it a hidden racism :)
That's something all the pollsters and media outlets have been touting as a possible factor, but it just doesn't hold up under scrutiny. If you look at Fivethirtyeight.com's excellent analysis of the so-called Bradley Effect, there doesn't really seem to be any evidence that it could be a factor.
I would vote for: Obama
I think winner will be: McCain (corrupted)
no matter who wins , nothing drastic will be done since all politicians are egocentric greedy cunts . except for people like pim , who then get shot by brown scum.
I'll Vote: Obama
Will Win: Obama
Will get killed: Obama
I vote republican because democrats are only saying exactly what people want to hear. "We will save the rainforests/antartica etc etc" "War is not the answer" The people who vote for democrats and thus obama just for those kind of reasons should not be allowed to vote in the first place.
Disagree, if those reasons are important to them why not vote for them? Anyway - I'd vote for Obama because his taxation and other policies are more socially progressive and generally much better than those offered by McCain (or the Republicans over the last 8 years in general).
I dont mean that these subjects are unimportant, I mean that people have been 'lured' to democrats by morally good fairy talk. This is also the reason 90% of the people on crossfire vote Obama or democrats in general. All I have seen about the election on the news was about democrats, democrat convention live broadcasts and whatnot, whereas republicans have hardly had 5% of the total coverage. Tv made Obama look like the son of God and McCain like an old men who probably still beats his wife and kids every full moon. People vote what the tv tells them to vote and that is very clear just looking at this journal.
mcCain old fag
doesnt he have cancer?
wouldnt surprise me but he is almost 90 years old so that isnt a problem
I dont know and I dont care tbh.. actually I know nothing about them..
Obama will win. It's a matter of time before some crazy redneck with a high powered rifle takes pot shots at him though.
redneck = racist?
just look at mccains and obamas policies both are anti gun etc so someone wants to shoot him just because he black? gotta be some heavy race hatred
this whole obama will get shot thing is so stupid, the cases regarding it in media are laughable
i think its just as likely that someone will murder mccain to see palin as president just for the lulz!!
the lulz > all
I would vote for:
I think winner will be:
Black power!
I would vote for: Obama
I think winner will be: Obama

I would vote for: Obama
I think winner will be: McCain
I would vote for:Obama
I think winner will be:Obama
I would vote for: Obama
I think winner will be: McCain

Barack has just voted !!!
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