US president & cF

How many stupid journal like mine 'll be published today or during the week about the US President?

You can notice that at the moment, the president of USA is still George W.Bush.
Hopefully sol starts giving warning points to the president journals.
n/o but warning points are no threath at all , where i used to got banned 3 days for language , i now get 5 warning points who reset every 2weeks or something ... who the fuck cares :)
i thank the new system for that! :d
For me, replying to these journals is just a way to spent time since I'm @ school, I dont have class atm, and there is not much else to do here.
ban, warning points, w/e. but stop it. cause everyone whos interested in knows it allrdy imo! and this wont be a serious discussion here anymore, so sry but gtfo.... ;/
you haz found sleepings place now? : D
yes me has ;)
image: barak_quote_idiots

It's the main subject, the most important as you could guess, so it's normally to talk a lot about it. Bush is still the president for more few times but they'll kick his ass soon :p
Obama only take place as president "only" on the 20 janury I think...
ils sont con ces americains
that guy looks more like will smith though :D
kebab ? :D

image: vcpry7jb

here you go :P was bored ^^
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