180 turn script?
5 Nov 2008, 21:19
why is this bullshit script still allowed?
why not?
because some random cunt kills you when he is not even watching in that way...or he just randomly hits head after turning around. the guy who is from behind should have an advantage.
it's like asking why was sniper script forbidden, or mortar script...that's also quite skilled then
why not?
because some random cunt kills you when he is not even watching in that way...or he just randomly hits head after turning around. the guy who is from behind should have an advantage.
it's like asking why was sniper script forbidden, or mortar script...that's also quite skilled then
More skilled requiring ET = The better ET
there isn't a single compelling argument for keeping it
sniper scripts = most snipers still using because its better, why have lack of skill with bad settings?
mortar scripts = I dont think there was any bad with it because the same was possible to do without scripts too. But the weapon was too overpowered anyway, nothing to do with if there was scripts or not
have you even read what he said? he said more skill = good. how do "smart and usefull" things like mortar and lagscript count as skill? -,-
atleast learn how to discuss properly instead of just whining about how other people are wron :-/
cartmen @ e10s12
thats why not, you no brained , shit repyling fucksticks :/
besides, squall is using it
squall, butchji ect ect use it i know.
"CVAR Violation cl_yawspeed xxxxx should be in [0-40]"
or smth
(sorry noedel fella) :D
havent you seen noedel do it btw? he lines up his shots running backwards! then he 180 3 hs them omgwtfbbqHAxHXHAXHAHHAXHAXHAHAXHAX :O)
and really, if the backraper has only a bit of aim you're dead before you can turn around anyways!
<3 "its ET"
unexpected that it is u who is whineing
so its an advantage for lowskillers maybe
the trn script gives the low senser a chance to kill the one behind him.. but still a high senser will always be betetr at such a turn
the sniper script gives a fucking big advantage do everyone who is useing it and no one could snipe as good as someone with sniper script
atleast thats what i think
think we could discuss that 100years long if a turn script should be allowed or not..
smth like: lagscript against lagger is allowed yes/no
but dont u also get higher spread if u turn fast?
try highsens turn and 180-script
with high sens it will be almost full and you will hardly shoot 3hs after such a turn, until it calms down and that takes seconds, while with 180-script it wont even increase by a millimeter allowing you to instantly shoot 3hs without any spread on any distance.
that really gives an advantage for lowsensers (well, the whole turnspread shit is actually also giving them an advantage, and imo it should have been removed a long ago)
Removing the script is only possible with complete removing of +left/+right/cl_yawspeed(same as +lookdown in the sniper script times) which is impossible(?) with a help of cfg, so we need a new etpro/antipro version to disable it (chaplja help!)
a low senser -> depending on which sense but propably can´t even turn 180 degrees
i can just tell you what i experienced when i played with a bit higher sense.. that was like 1or2 years ago:
i could perfectly make 180 dgrees on both sides (had other mosuepad !) and when i did that , it was np at all to give hs and my bullets have been where they should be (the point i aimed at).
dont remmeber exactly which sense i used. i think you will only get alot of spread if you use a sense like 16 ?
how ever.. what if:
u just out your dpi on max and play with low sense? or increase windows sense?
btw at my old times.. i think i played with 400dpi (or 600) and sense like 3 or smth..
now i play with 1.0x and 400dpi.. which is pretty hard to make 180degree + aim + be fast with it. Ofc its still possible and i could be able to give 3hs in a second.. but still that script helps alot..
well as i said to kevlar.. its an endless discussion :(
but if you could find out if high dpi + low sense = no spread.. would be nice if u tell me then :>
bb gn8
im at hospital with aa laptop so gtfo with your mice experiments :(
hope your getting out soon ! why are u in? :(
finally gn8 now ! :P
Viewing: Checking out beAsty
will he even come to lan?
prolly cause he's a squall and butchji fanboy + he uses it himself!!!
squall + butchji fanboy? lol'd
check my busts
me in cfgs = phail with a PH!
how about tj scripts?
Gratz, you got 10/10 points!
Ii had smth like 44 for 180, but now I have 40/360 and it's so much better
I set 40/360 as my new sens, but left a+vstr old sens switcher on my mouse2
first i was always shooting with mouse2 pressed, but soon i almost forgot about it and finally unbinded it.
yes it takes some time, but believe me, that's worth to do
btw if you try to play with smth like sens 3 after your 1 your hand will get tired much faster, it even might hurt after a while coz of much higher concentration and more wrist control
disscussions about wheter it should be allowed or not is another thing, but if its forbidden how come there have been no consequences so far ????
my personal thoughts about it is, yes it shouldnt be allowed, because its more usefull for lowsens ppl, who opt to have an adventage in the mid-long range, so their choice should be balanced by having a disadvantage at short distances.
what the hell
so something that disables said disadvantage should not be allowed.
There's no ideal senstivity, and if you want to turn fast with lowsens you should make a quick sens switcher and turn YOURSELF or just increase it, but not use a script which turns straight 180 ITSELF + without any turnspread... there's no difference between a bot and a script which both dont need any human reaction and sens control, same goes to TJ scripts
Stop refusing coz you're addicted to it, a lot of lowsensers play without it and never wanted to try it
it should be disallowed