Barack Obama

Wow all I have to say is that the United States of AmericaUSA is dumb. Electing the AnonymousAnti-Christ Mr.Barack Obama was just plain stupid. The USA's economy is going to fail miserably, and quite rapid as soon as Obama takes place as President.

Here the United States of AmericaUSA's President is pro, also known as FOR, for you unintellectual beings, late abortion, meaning a baby who is to be born within four, or three months. All for research is just plain ridiculous. I am so glad that the way we pick Presidents is based of electoral votes.

Even than, if the President were to be elected by we the people, he still would have gotten in, and im saying this right now. BECAUSE HE IS BLACK.

All of the "poor" people in America, which just happens to be 97% of the African culture in America voted for him because he will pay their bills. They are idiots, Obama is wealthy and could give two fucks about them, they are acting as if they personally know this no named senator, and everything he will do.

FUCK OBAMA '08 Should have been McCains campaign.


Also for all of the other countries, stop caring who our President is, I know we could completely demolish you, but with all of the jokes about us having this abomination as a President, he can still destroy you. :) Flame On

AnonymousFUCK OBAMAAnonymous :)
mul oli 1 tund waba
hahaha totally agree. im moving to canada
Maaan if this goes on for much longer ill have to do something bigger to be in the fuckin news etc the whole fucking time.
no, fuck you.
Barack Husain Obama

8D thx //edit ;s
close! Husain
ffs it's not going to be Obamas fault that the economy crashes, the way the monetary system is built makes a crash inevitable and as soon as they can't figure any ways to keep it going bad times will start. China and other states, are for a long period of time, already boycotting the dollar, just watch out if theres another "threat" on TV because it's not about helping other people, it's about money, they are fighting for resources atm but they can't tell you that so they invent some retarded wars and big election movie like campaigns which you peons so blatantly believe in. At the end of the day it doesn't fucking matter who gets elected. Bush senior is still advising Obama so is Clinton and a few other Nazis. It's staying the same because the fucking bankers we're so greedy and had to make a money system that creates more and more debt.. I have respect for Obama coming in after Bush because he is going to take the same shit as bush in the long run and he knows it. Well whatever n shit, going to eat breakfast and dump a nigger in the toilet, cheers
Yea your right,
but why did Obama even run if he want's McCains help running the USA? Kind of pointless if you don't have the experience to run a great country, during a crisis....
Tbh the president is just a Representative for the public, he doesn't run shit. Look behind the scenes for example, George bush Senior is more a of a President then anyone. He's been around for god knows how long. Also the staff of the president is not going to change so the way things are gonna be run will not change a lot, especially with all the problems that are being created daily there by immigration, poverty and ofc the monetary system. The US is designed to fall, just like Babylon did and there's nothing we can do to stop it. All people can do is get prepared and help one another when it starts getting worse. Blaming people for it is just not the way to solve problems, it will be done in his term and there will be a lot of it but what people should be concerned about is to secure what they have, help be kind and lecture themselves on the economic situation so people start waking up and start doing sth about it... Anyways i'm not informed on the Mccain thing but isn't it probably just a gesture of "sportmanship" and if it's serious it tells you more about how democrats and republicans are basically just the same .. need to shhhhhhh bb
Great country? Oh my, you Americans think quite a lot of yourselves huh?
god bless america
"Also for all of the other countries, stop caring who our President is"

Word. I've seen a lot of European people trying to sound like they know everything about what's going on and it was funny to admire their ignorance at first but now it's just getting irritating and repetitive
nice edit about European :)

<3 U Nemesis :)
well the comment applies to North Americans as well, but at least Americans can say they actually live in this country and what goes on with the presidential campaign is a significant part of their lives. As a result, they have the right to argue and discuss. I'm not saying Europeans aren't allowed to do it, I'm just laughing at how they try to appear extremely knowledgeable about a country they don't live in and chances are, have NEVER lived in.
you don't have to live in a country to be knowledgeable about it. the web brings us all closer :) it's very easy to get a strong view on the presidential campaign by doing a bit of research. the sad state of affairs is that we europeans probably have a better view over who would be the best presidential candidate as we can be subjective about it and we are not divided by race or state.
You are apparently a Canadian, but you think and act as if you are an American? I know that Canada is way more liberal than America, and you are influenced by Europe just as much as you are by America. Then why do you think you have the right to speak for Americans?

Europeans have just as much right to utter our opinion as you have. We actually care for the economy of America, because of it's impact on the rest of the world (and for that matter the US being the biggest military force in the world). If it wasn't for American banks loaning money from European countries (such as Norway) there wouldn't be a financial crisis throughout the world today. All that for Americans getting money to buy things they can't afford. GG America, go Obama.
China has the biggest Military force fucking noob :D
we have a proverb in german it says "Wenn man keine Ahnung hat, einfach mal Fresse halten".
Fakt ist das China das meiste Personal und somit das grösste Heer hat.
Wenn es um die Angriffkraft geht lässt es sich streiten. Eins steht aber
fest, wenn Amerika Chinesische Truppen an Land lässt ist es vorbei, das
weiss jeder.. Und wenn du jetzt noch ein Problem damit haben solltest dann
erstick dran oder so, aber laber mich nicht nochmals dumm an, kthxbye!
It seems to me that you did not understand the meaning of the proverb but i did not expect something else of you. I mean you last post just shows how ignorant you are :[
That's ignorance, yes. Stating the Facts. You just go believe whatever you like. I don't really care. That you even had to reply to me because I was a bit sarcastic with the "fucking noob" thing tells all about your "superiority" :D

Go reply to some real retards, theres so much for you to do on crossfire. Save us from ignorance oh mighty brainwashed slave of cooperate media.

[e]Oh now I see where it comes from, nice hax2max buddy list..
Calling me brainwashed does not make your stupid comment any smarter :D Stop molesting me with you wikipedia knowledge.Writing such senseless sentences e.g. "Eins steht aber fest, wenn Amerika Chinesische Truppen an Land lässt ist es vorbei, das
weiss jeder" keeps me replying to you :D

Solution : Hope you will find the mistake by yourself
You still dont understand the problem or you dont want to understand it.

You dont win a war _nowadays_ by having the most Army personnel.Especially when these forces are neither equipped nor trained good enough to survive. And you can not let 1.600.000 Soldiers swim accros the partific ocean. You need to transport them and i doubt that china has the remedies to do that.I am not sure , correct me if i am wrong but china does not have any aircraft-carrier.These are just some reasons why this will never work out feel free to answer.
"Largest" Army..

I don't know if they have the means to transport troops and equipment.
All I do know is that America would have no chance against China because
they have agreements, or whatever you call it, with Russia. Those 2 combined
would only leave a nuclear attack and I seriously doubt with all the advanced
space based weapon satellites that a nuke would ever reach any country. Who
knows what they got.. Israel could as well be the most powerful army if they
have some secret shit :D They do have the largest high tech Air Force :(
All of you are intellectuals of the highest quality.

PS. You are an idiot.
those elections where 1 big soap. the one with the biggest mouth has won.
Yeah, Obama was so much more aggressive than McCain...
Wasn't it McCain whose voting campaign became more and more a negative campaign just like Bush did?
He's been a populist tool right from the start but it got worse when Palin was introduced really.
No chance for a positive campaign with this lady... :>

..was a rhetorical question btw. ;)
:DDDDD haha sigh
Lol. wow....... love crossfire conversations meow <3
QuoteAlso for all of the other countries, stop caring who our President is, I know we could completely demolish you, but with all of the jokes about us having this abomination as a President, he can still destroy you. :)

That's exactly why people care who's president of the USA. Sure you can destroy many countries, the problem is just that the retaliation of all the other countries would destroy not only you but most probably the whole world.
I approve this message.
we wouldnt care if it wouldnt affect us
the world should get maTzenized.
Ur so right.. Would be much better ;)

How r u btw?
busy as usual, exams this time.

But i'm always up for some random games! PM me!
still at university and gotta learn some shit afterwards
heh good luck @uni

i should be getting back to studying pathology :(
hehe sounds worse then mine :x
McCain would kill you all
Obama is already killing kids who aren't born.

I meen shit, McCain would at least wait till you were born DUH.
I Find your "funny" mention towards Obama's opinion for abort legislation. But still I believe he was/is better choice than McCain
McCain is even dumber. It was a choice of lesser evil, or if you want, grater good
McCain served his country well....
McCain was a POW and never gave up any secrets.

He is experienced for a government position, not President perhaps but definately a government position. He was the better choice this election year with the experience that he DOES have.

Obama even went as far as telling McCain that he would need his help so basically anything Obama does great for this country if anything at all, would probably be from McCain.

haha. You're such a stereotypical, racist, ignorant American. What has McCain being a war hero got to do with politics? Just because he didn't win the Vietnam war he has to maintain American soldiers honor in Iraq by staying there for no reason? He's obviously just a bitter old war hero, nothing more. And for Obama's carreer, he's got perspective on things, having a resume of being a city organizer, Harvard Law School president, among a lot of other things. Get a grip.
Ok but what POLITICAL EXPERIENCE does he have other than being a senator. Yay for that!

Also I am not a sterotypical, racist American thanks.

I have two reasons for not liking Obama, and its not because he is black. I really don't care if he is black or not. My reasons are

-He is for Late Abortions
-He is promising money to the poor to get votes

Im sorry but I don't think it should be OK for anyone to be FOR late abortions. The baby already has a heart, and is practically starting to move and is alive, just as a regular baby just not fully developed. What he is for is practically murder.

lol, he's not promising money for the poor, he's giving the wealthy people in America higher taxes! There is no way you can call that socialism or unfair in any way. As for the late abort question, that's a philosophical question. You guys are way behind most countries when it comes to that issue.

Thanks for the chat, now I have to go to school :)
"he's giving the wealthy people in America higher taxes! There is no way you can call that socialism or unfair in any way"

I kinda disagree.. its bullshit to give wealthy people higher taxes..

What youre saying is ;

U work hard, ever single day of youre live. every second of youre live just to get money. and when u finally make it, u need to pay higher taxes, so that the poor, who mostly havent worked one fucking day in their live, can live? How the hell can u punish someone for working hard every second they lived?
It's the same in Belgium so don't whine
Hahahah funny that its coming from u. so what if its the same in belgium? doesnt change the way i think tbh. now su and DONT[/u] reply to me cunt
Its pure logic moron

If you have an income of 1000$ and you have to give 400$ to taxes which is 40%

Why should a guy with an income of 10000$ give only 400$ ? that's 4 %
Doesn't make any sense , the poor people only get worse from this.

To make things right everyone should pay the same percentage of taxes according to his income.

Dumb fuck
So what? the rich guys prob worked harder for it, why the hell should they get punished for working harder?
A desk job or working in an industry making doors or smt , i know which guy works harder here, you can't compare Hand work to Brain work
Exactly u cant. so stop trying to
Is that a religious or a moral view?

End of the day, regardless of when you believe life begins, abortions happen. It's such a cataclysmic life changing event that there's always going to be people wanting rid. I want these people to have available to them safe medical abortions. The health of the mother is paramount over that of an unborn foetus – unless the mother stipulates otherwise imo.

AFAIK his position on late term abortion is only if it affects the health of the mother?

And teach contraception not abstinence :O)
what is wrong about abortion?
completely agree
Only in America can a homeless person living in a cardboard box oppose raising taxes on millionaires because he hopes to be a millionaire some day.
He was a POW? better elect him then, only fair.
i didnt say thats why he should be elected

good try tho:)
No you didnt, but im trying to find a reason why you prefer McCain/dislike Obama so much, the only actual reason you have given is the fact you are anti-abortion, which is fair enough, but equally other people have different views and they should be allowed to have their opinions/choices. Just out of interest are you religous?
yes i am

i have a religous and moral view on the matter.
So.... why do you prefer McCain? Why dont you think Obama can run the country? You must be quite knowledgeable on the subject.
Oh, its not a matter whether I think he can run it or not. I am pretty sure anyone could run the country, because they all have advisor's on what to do. You don't go to college to run a country.

Its the fact that I don't like what he represents, and if you look farther down I listed a few things of why I am against him. :)
hilarious keep going folk's <3
obama is the lesser of two evils. mccain had sarah palin, who is pretty much the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the society of the U.S.

the thing is, the USA is still a relatively new country, you society and political system still hasn't evolved yet.Your country is divided on every major notional issue.

for proof all you have to do is look at your presidential campaigns, they are a circus amounting to little more than a popularity contest.

Any political agenda that involves religion is doomed to failure. religiion has no place in politics.

the fact that you country voted in Bush for a second term makes me wonder if americans even deserve a vote.

edit: as for the economy no one man can save it, in a recession such as this only 2 things can save an economy:

1. there must be a large increase in government spending
2. the public must spend more to increase demand.

the government can help this along by fighting to lower inflation etc and even large building projects can be very helpful
Quotethe fact that you country voted in Bush for a second term makes me wonder if americans even deserve a vote.

That sir is true, no argue there. Makes me wonder if I even want to live here.
sorry it's harsh but true. i frankly couldn't believe that he got in a second time.
Well in fact, Bush won by little tiny bit more than half of the 'votes'. However, only 51 percent of the population voted in total, so you could say Bush was only the president of 25% of the Americans :P
....which shows how failish the US election system is.
well partly, on the other hand you do get the program of the winner.

Here in Netherlands and I suppose in other eu countries as well the government consists of compromises only
How do you get it? By these huge campaigns or what do you mean?

Edit: Got what you mean...You should think about how far lobbyism goes in the US. Politics there is much more just a puppet show than in the EU.
A black guy in the white house.

Just for a couple of years, so hang on US citizens :D
Some times I don't believe there is any moderators on this site..
i couldn't agree more, but that's just the way it is in America.
All those lower class blacks vote on obama cos he's black. Act like they're freed of slavery. think they come on the first place in America.
All of the sudden it's black and white, but isn't it White and black....
QuoteAll of the sudden it's black and white, but isn't it White and black....
OK, i shouldn't have said that. Everyone is equal but just pisses me off that blacks vote on him because he's black, not saying whites also don't vote for McCain because he's white, but the blacks have the majority that's undeniable.
thats just absurd generalising bullshit.
Any idea how ignorant that is? About 74% of the people in america is white.

Ever thought that it was pretty much impossible for the republicans to win this one with a 72 year old mummie and an alaskan hockey-mom as runningmate?
Doesn't change the fact that black americans are racist when it comes to voting, lol
Depends on what the percentage of black people is who always voted democrats.
Many more black people than normally vote, voted this time, and for the sole reason that a black person was running for president. I don't think that's strange though, but you can't deny it either.
I thought that it was around 10 % more then usually do. Then it still depends on other numbers as well. If 90% of the black always voted democratic...

Anyway, I don't really care enough, although I preferred Obama to win, just because he's different :P And I dont see any sense in what the journal creator is trying to make. The only valid point he has made is about the abortion, which is a good thing imo
Black vote up only 3% - lower socio economic groups generally vote democrat. Varying circumstances meaning there's more poor black people. IIRC around 1/3 of all black children in the US live in poverty - almost 3 times the national average.
You are so wrong. The reasons why afro-americans voted for him and are so emotional over Obama's victory is because it validates the american dream. If a Negro is able to become president, it must give an enormous moral support to all afro-americans: yes they can.

If you see any racism in Obama's campaign, or in black and Hispanics voting for a non white president you are just ignorant and prolly biased yourself.

have a nice day. I recommend you read a newspaper once every year, so you dont have to sprout your uneducated opinion about politics.

€: read ronner's comment below for a rehearsal of mine
You're so stupid. I recommend you look at the reality.
Yes all the anglosaxon and european media are just pulling facts out their ass, photo shopping pictures, faking videos and using misleading quotes!

hint: if you want to win a debate try to use ar-gu-ments
You are an uneducated sore loser if not a conservative racist.

QuoteAll of the "poor" people in America, which just happens to be 97% of the African culture in America

You are forgetting all the dumb retarded incest rednecks spread across the entire country and I'm sorry to break this to you but there are more white people on welfare than (yes, correct use of the word than, you should learn about it) black people.
Was just about to type something similar. The ignorance is astounding.
Seriously. 16 years old and already this brainwashed. Makes me wonder if there is any hope for that country at all.
Sorry if being 16 and not liking Obama means I am a racist US citizen who is brainwashed.

I simply put what I think of Obama, not making me racist or anything. I love the fact that everyone is getting into this topic, and like i said in the main post.

Flame On :)
Then why bring up the color of somebodies skin twice? You only gave 1 valid reason for not liking him, pro-abortion.
You are brainwashed. There is no doubt in my mind that at your 16 years of age you are brainwashed because you shout a few things that you somehow believe, which in turn are not even true at all. Your vision on poor ppl for instance is "97% african american", meanwhile the reality is that the big majority (yes big, about 60 to 65%) of ppl on welfare are white.

Besides that, make up your mind on what you want. First you say

QuoteAlso for all of the other countries, stop caring who our President is

And then you reply with

QuoteI love the fact that everyone is getting into this topic

But not to burst your young unexperienced bubble, but the US economy and international policy is affecting pretty much every country in the world so yes the rest of the world cares who gets to be your president. As for your "I know we could completely demolish you" comment, besides it being the dumbest thing you said so far I'm pretty sure it's going to be you in a military outfit doing the demolishing, right. Or are you just gonna sit safely at home giggling your ass of at the rest of the world which you so stupidly believe is small and retarded.

Really, wake up. There is a whole world out there which is way bigger than your country and your small narrow mind.
damn sir, you are damn pro in that argumentation! respect and +1 :D
I hate ppl using arguments on xfire. I'd rather do the tosspot: get critisized, evade the argument, even the whole discussion and start flaming random personal shit which has nothing to do with the actual topic / criticism. After denying the accusations in public you send a private message in which you want to know how the fuck ppl know ur little secrets.
totally indeed.
It s just stupid to judge about colors.
like all jews are con men. (like Hitler bruited)
It s just not the truth. you can't generalize it just because one was a con man.

Btw: Imo obama will be one of the best presidents the usa ever had.
What this man said is absolutely true.
agree with most of your comments
Black is only 10% of Americas people????
where do you get 10% from?
I leik u. =)
Nothing would chance with McCain, the Bush era would continue and that would be bad...
u /raged me

Also I am joining the Military so I would be one of those guys out there. Second 97% of African Americans did vote for Obama, and I am simply saying it is because he is black. I really don't care what his skin color is but it shows 97% of the black community does.

They even stated on the news how its suprising how many black men are voting now, that have NEVER voted in there lives.

Oh well, i guess writing in a journal is not a good idea if your talking about your own president :p

Edit: Ment for the guy above you :)
oh for crying out load you are such a fool.
QuoteAlso I am joining the Military so I would be one of those guys out there.

Out there doing what, demolishing any country cuz you think you can? Haha, plz, all you can do is hope you don't end up another statistic in your country's big fucking lie.

QuoteI really don't care what his skin color is but it shows 97% of the black community does.

Ever wondered why that is, braindead?

QuoteThey even stated on the news how its suprising how many black men are voting now, that have NEVER voted in there lives.

*their. It doesn't surprise me at all because racism has been (and admit it, it still is) a big factor in your country and is still way too fresh in people's minds.
If it says it on the news it must be true, i hear thats always correct and 100% factual.
Obama said it himself during his speech that it was amazing the number of people who actually voted this time.

GG to you sir.

Oh yea Obama must be wrong stating the obvious though.
Quotethere lives

get an education plz. no wait ur american.

buy an education plz
Actually it is "please" not "plz" just correcting your mistakes since everything on the internet has to be typed perfectly.
dude, English isnt my native language but even 12 year old belgian retard knows the difference between their and there. Theres a difference between willingly using internet slang like 'i has a cat' and 'ip plox kk tnx' and a native english speaker using their instead of there. That's just pathetic, just like your opinion.

ps: nice ignoring the 'buy an education' :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
People in the southern states vote for Mccain because he's white , what's the difference?

Texas , Alabama etc , all racist states
well actually texas and alabama voted for obama.

Atleast obama stands for what he believes & his views on society are much more realistic than McCains + McCain was so surrounded by people that are even more conservative than he is himself that what he declares isn't what he stood for in the first place.
The big problem I see with US culture, and the reason for all of these debates (flame wars) is that all the communities are so isolated and unintegrated.

While Obama did carry the vast majority of the black vote, what really gave him victory was his 15-20% margins in the youth and college-educated vote.

The fact that someone is black shouldn't make the damndest bit of difference to anything. Not to whether he gets elected president, not to whether he should be the coach of an NFL team, nothing. The fact the media makes such a huge deal out of it is disgusting. This is somewhere - going back to the integration point - I see the US as seriously behind some European countries: as an example, I was walking around in a Portuguese town over the winter, and you'd see groups of people chatting and having fun &c. and barely any of them were all-white or all-black. Nobody even notices.

EDIT: Also, as a footnote, Obama isn't black, he's mixed race. I think over 50% white, actually. Not, as I said, that it matters.
The fact that he is black surely has an impact and don't think Europe is so liberal in their voting habits because as history shows us, the prime-minister of any European country always ended up to be a white male around his 50's and usually Christian. With an exception here or there (Thatcher and Merkel) this is sadly still quite the case in many European countries.
That's just (imho) demographics though. In Europe the percentage of black people is very low, taking the Netherlands as an example, 3%; in the UK it's slightly less. That means that we should only expect one in every 30+ politicians (and hence prime ministers/presidents) to be black. We've not had anywhere near that many leaders since the introduction of equality laws - with an average 4 year term, you'd expect maybe one every 100-150 years, assuming the racial mix remains constant.

In the US the black population is 12-13%. The expectancy there, therefore, is more like one every 8 presidents, or 32 years (actually longer, since double terms are common). One black president since racial equality is, therefore, about right.

The christian thing is entirely seperate, and I completely agree there.
I wasn't talking black people only. I was talking anything but Caucasian. If you take your point "One black president since racial equality is, therefore, about right." and reflect that on europe then we surely should have had a non Caucasian prime-minister ;-)
I graciously concede your point that in Europe our racism is different, not better.

Although even there the demographics are heavily favour of white politicians. UK demographics are 91% white overall, Netherlands 87%, US 83% including hispanics or 68% not including hispanics.

Also, your use of Caucasian is flawed - the normal definition of Caucasian is anyone from the whole of Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Central-South Asia.
Caucasian in it's pure definition is maybe the wrong word. Let's say "white" then.

The demographics may be in favor of the US but you also have to take into account the number of european countries.

But anyway you put it, we also still discriminate based on race when it comes to elections.
well that's not surprising. Your predisposed to vote for someone you trust. in a mainly white culture where your authoritative figures through out your life have mainly been white men in their 50's, your more likely to feel a connection and respect for them.
I think Adacore’s right in pointing out demographics. The largest ethnic population over being people of Asian/Eastern European backgrounds, ignoring first generation – so second, third etc there are a reasonable number coming through (we’ve had/got people like Howard, Opik, Baroness Scotland in prominent positions). I consider the UK to be reasonably meritocratic, though still far from perfect.

I think the greatest barrier to opportunity is wealth, not race.
Greater barrier, maybe, but race certainly is one of them.
QuoteI see the US as seriously behind some European countries

I dont think europe is ready for an arabian prime minister in the first 10 years. I think its us lagging behind :)
European president will be elected this or next year afaik.
jaja, voor belgie of nl ofzo
Huh ? There will be a European president taking the lead over the European comission next year ..
ahja, khad der iet van gehoord :D
In times like these when Russia for example has returned in its former power, the last thing what USA needs is a rebuilder rather than bit of crazy warlord.
No matter who is/was president the US-politics have never/will never change in a significant way
did you just say the n-word ?
are you from the white house or how do you know so exactly :o
I really have to laugh at the antichrist accusations against Obama.
In the first place because there is no such thing as an antichrist. But second of all
because there has been many accusations of being an antichrist in the past.
The most recent example of this was the presidential election of the United States.
On August 8th 2008 a few people in Colorado Springs were absolutely convinced that
John McCain was the real antichrist, because he wants to stay in Iraq (Babylon) for
100 years and because he has a Romanian background (according to these people). You can read it all here:
Now, only a few months later, on October 28th, the same town - Colorado Springs - people were absolutely convinced that not McCain, but Obama is the real antichrist:
Americans are destroying their own country imo. The McCain voters will unleass civil war @ the inauguration of Obama and the US will seperate in and will be known as the Divided States of America..

however nice posts..flame on :D
i stop care who is your president, when america stop caring about middle-east
haha at people calling u racist
stupidity at its finest
i know even though i have stated so many times that i don't care if he is black or not.
Member For: 3 days

No comment!
i forgot you have to be a member for a long time to post a journal. forgot sorry
nop........but u just register to post ur Palin ideas...

so alaska is waitting for u....go go go!
no i registered because mistaken told me to
i posted this for fun and i guess people like you care about my journal soo much it makes me smile.

You sir put a smile on my face :)
ofc we got a smile...and also more than 60% of the smiles

U are the one who came here with no smile and U my friend smile cause ur ppl voted and be happy about it!
nope i came here with a big smile on my face when mistaken told me to

then i had some fun and wrote something in a couple of minutes and now im smiling even more because you care so much about what i wrote.

i thank you^^
Lets get Bush back then, that is what you hope? :<
McCain isn't Bush its McCain.

Maybe you are illiterate?
Not possible to get McCan, sry. Obama is now President, live with it.
Not until January :)

I am going to live with it, im not emo just a whiner :)
Your whine is useless shit, and posting that to gaming community site is pathetic shit. maybe talk with your parents about it, cause 85% of ppl here dont give a shit about who should be President @ usa. As long as it's not Bush, I am happy.
thats why you keep responding :)
Just telling, trying to kill time after exams, now excuse me, I go eat. bibuyy
there you go again
replying :)
So, if I reply to you, it means I 'care'?


its not always like that. :xd in my case, mostly never
and again!
your a true winner
ohhh a real champ guys!
he is getting angry oh noes
That makes nonSens!
ahhh he keeps responding!
he must be flustered
It's no use to try to piss me out like that, like I told you before, I'm killing time before I go out.

are you black man yourself?
we have a real champ in here guys!

and no im not black
making fool of yourself gotta be funny :) thanks for the funnies, I am out now.

gl with your problems, I see you have some
gl with your over confidence e-ego^^
Im confidence in real life too, thanks :)
yw :)
have fun bb
image: get-a-brain-morans

GG USA, most fucked up country ever.
Hmm you're from texas probably? So hilarious that mccain only had succes with the 65+'ers and the racists. Just because those people are still with their mind in the times from the cowboys.

So seems you are a racist so end of discussion. And btw : could you have a more retarted vice-president then PALIN?
Im actually from nevada so good try on that
and yea palin is retarded gj on stating the obvious
lol talking about narrow-minded americans. x)
got to love the hate euros have for yanks .. jealousy really isn't it, we're jealous of everything about them, their country is better than our whole continent, their country is so great that it has to be compared to continents, we all wish to be american really don't we ? of course we do, land of bla bla bla .. but don't be so bitter and face the facts that states is the greatest country in the world.

p.s. obama will get shot within 3 months.
lol are you fucking serious? :DD:Dddddd
Do you think all the indigenous/native Americans were white or something? :D
Let me guess, Christopher Columbus was the first ever person in America, and he was white? :OOOO
And because Obama's black, that's going to be a big problem yeah?
when did i even mention native americans?

kinda pointless post there bud
Everyone seems to have a 'problem' with him because he's black that's all and that most people who voted for Obama are black. Your point about the poor people is most likely partially true. I doubt that the majority who voted were lower class or whatever you want to call it, but it would still be high. B.O put up some good changes that he had in mind (lowering taxes, alternative fuels, better education, health care and removing troops from Iraq) and they're hardly a bad thing no? I'd just like to see if he could manage it thou!

And I'd rather a country be run by an anti-Christ than some Christian faggot
see now why go and say that about christians that hurts my e-feelings


should i bold it to?

1. Pro Abortion
2. Money to the Lower Class (Raising taxes for high, and middle class)
3. He is a socialist
4. He is Muslim
5. He wont swear on the bible, but his religious book.
6. He doesn't represent the USA, not even by a pin on his suits.

No where in there have I put that he is black.

Sure he has great ideas, but the ones that I disagree with are the ones I care more about. You can not help the educational system either, if you are firing good teachers just because they don't know spanish. GG to that
What has being a muslim, not swearing on a bible and being a socialist have to do with being able to be a president? A man who is all that, can still be a great president.
Im sure they can be, I am against it though. :)
i think you represent the true american: simple minded, retarded, christian
CARE if someone doesnt swear on the bible! Religion and Politics are two different things!
CARE if someone is muslim! are you THAT simple minded?
CARE if he is pro abortion. if a girl gets pregnant by accident, who are you to judge if she has to keep it or not.

most retarded (but expected from the USA) journal 2008
Against it? You are against someone being muslim? Against being a socialist? Against a president who doesn't swear on the bible?
my religious outlooks on things
And what exactly does this fundamentalist frame of mind make you any different than religious fanatics in the middle-east?
zzz im tired, if you dont mind ill respond to this when i wake up sometime today

sorry for the short answers ronner id love to stay up all night and talk to you about why i dont like obama but i dont feel like it atm.

ill respond tomarrow if this is even still going. (btw this journal was just a personal /rant) xD
Quotezzz im tired, if you dont mind ill respond to this when i wake up sometime today

Make that "wake up in general"
Hope so, I want a nice reply to my latest post below :'(
He's not a Muslim though, he's Christian and believes in the JC superhero :F
- Is there really a problem with pro abortion?
- You could argue all day about the money to lower class people because there are so many arguments for and against it. He's just trying to support the less fortunate more, and I'm sure you'd be grateful for him if you was in desperate need too \o/
- Bah
- It's not like all other Presidents were Christians, they were all mixed, and I remember 2 being atheist. Obama is a Christian and does swear on the holy bible blah blah. You should stop believing rumours ;-)
- He already mentioned about the pin on his suit. How does he not represent America?
Quote"I am the candidate of hope, change, and the future," said Obama. "I am very patriotic, so this has nothing to do with patriotism. The American flag just doesn't represent hope, change, and the future to me

I can't find no posts about firing 'good' teachers for not knowing Spanish, but America is hardly just an English speaking country now is it? {:
Dear god please tell me you're a troll :X

1. Pro Abortion - subjective, little point arguing :~)
2. Money to the Lower Class (Raising taxes for high, and middle class) - nope, his campaign pledge was clearly to cut taxes for the middle and lower class.
3. He is a socialist - in what way?
4. He is Muslim - Rev Wright ring a bell? He's very much a Christian - though that's no great thing tbh o/
5. He wont swear on the bible, but his religious book. - unless Christianitys had a rethink and embraced the Koran o0
6. He doesn't represent the USA, not even by a pin on his suits - read any of his speeches. It's the usual American dream / spirit / exceptionalism shabby patriotic shite.
You watch way too much Fox News.
dont forget you are just a country made of immigrants all over the world m8.
what does that have anything to do with it?
He is dumbass, don't try to make any conversation with him ,_,
Lets be honest the only reason alot of people voted for him because he was black,
i think he is a good choice tho
Take it like a man mr Republican...
obama was a good choice

wonder which goddamn nerd discovered that :D
Compared to how many who didn't vote for him because he was black?
Damn, are u retarded.
QuoteThe USA's economy is going to fail miserably

how about george.w.bush?
He failed already
Obama was good choice imo ;o But u won't listen to random Poland Polak, I know it
Another meaningless journal with no content whatso ever.
Please come up with some sensible arguments about why he will make america fail in stead of randomly disagreeing with everything.

QuoteAlso for all of the other countries, stop caring who our President is, I know we could completely demolish you, but with all of the jokes about us having this abomination as a President, he can still destroy you

Are you mentally instable?
At the very least you are not capable of being open minded if you end your random flame with this useless comment. You seem to be proving the American stereotype.
you got pwned by democracy xD
rofl, this is just 2 fuckedup
Guess we should put this journal as one of the better ones, pure entertainment.
Wasn't Obama the one with the better vision on the financial issues? You're not far from Hitler talk btw.
Errr... look where Mr. George W. Bush got u, Mr. Republicans-Lover. Ur economy IS ALREADY ruined, and guess why so many Euros are careful about America, even hating? You may have guessed it.

I find it good that ur new President is pro-abortion. Let the girls getting pregnant by accident (til 3rd month, after that point I agree, its to late then) decide wether they want the babies or not. Its their body, ffs.

Religion has nothing to do with politics, thats why I couldnt care less if he is a muslim, a christian, a buddhist or fan of the wiccas, if he will do his job good.

Why are u guys so obsessed with the colour of his skin ? He is black, and? It doesnt fucking matter if its a black in the white house.
image: Sitting_Bull
the only people who should be allowed to vote the president :p
A typical American comment about the American elections. I don't even know where to start about what is wrong with what your saying... but what is true is that u fill in perfectly the cliché that exists in Europe about Americans.

Agree with Ronner's comments.
If this isn't jsut flamebait then you're the perfect Amercian stereotype :D
texas voted for obama.

please woudl people actually comment on a subject they have some knowledge of.
"I know we could completely demolish you, but with all of the jokes about us having this abomination as a President, he can still destroy you."

Just bring it.
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