Schweins Blog #12

Alright, it's Thursday morning and i thought about writing some shit which you wont care about anyway. 8 hours left at work, then I will leave and start my journey to cologne to visit the WCG-Finals. Maybe I will see TosspoT, but hopefully not...otherwise I have to bomb him, since Chelsea fucked up my bets on Tuesday.
By the way there will be Video-Streams from the WCG, made my QuadV and ESL TV.
You can watch both, the main stage and 16+ stage stream here.

Don't forget to fight the Schwein and visit

Over and out.
imo here is a better stream :DDDDDDD
you have one, we have two !!!
nem, these guys from USa are pretty arrogant on vent all the time
yay ...

im going to travel to Netherlands in 2 hours.. my best friend Netherlands Monte his dad died on tuesday, going to his funeral
sad :(

oh RIP.
why did he die? :(
Suicide, he hang himself..
im sorry man
imo here is a better fight :DDDDDD
man, you are TERRIBLE at c/p! Clearly I have 7 D's in my smiley, yet you only have 6?? Get good hurensohn!
care from 1st time
Quote by swinei thought about writing some shit which you wont care about anyway.

It's funny how crossfire community determines the way people write excuses :D
rock & roll
simply amazing.
gonna go WCG these days too... only 15min for me x)
id play that game if it wasnt in french :<
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